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Everything posted by TheLunaticFringe

  1. Fuck trying to do it right when you got bmx in a party chat hahaha dat nigga will tell ya to jab a needle in the eye every time LOL
  2. I've only played once with you massacre...on last gen. We could get shit done in heists without a single word said cause im only social in a fairly big party but if it's just a party of 2,forget about awkward and quiet.
  3. Grrrrl,you could become a youtube sensation with dem videos!
  4. Now I can get the shitheap rebel! Cause fuck society and having the clean version.
  5. One of us! One of us! We can now do the sacrimonial burning of gtagrl to officially welcome her!
  6. I love GTAgrl! Shes my favorite mod cause if if it wasnt fir I would of thought y'all was a bunch of eltist dickheads and for awhile that did shine through but im glad gtagrls back to keep that peace.
  7. I kept hearing in one gta video that the stunt dlc was being referred to as a "stunt school dlc".didn't think much of it cause we all know how unreliable those idiots are but it looks to be possible as that oval shape only fits the maze bank arena.
  8. I love that pic of me denying the me irl lol Had some fun later in the night with cheech playin rocket league and smashin randoms.
  9. I'm pretty sure that's the heist we'll be doing anyways maybe for double rp and cash.
  10. Just watched a glitch video,not sure if anyone here knows about it or not yet. Same glitch method as the comedy club and shit but it's to get into jack howitzers motel room. Just thought I'd share and confirm if anyone here knew about it or not as I checked and saw the video was about a couple months old.
  11. I will be there and ready for super car races. I'm really diggin the purple metallic with the blue pearlescent paint scheme.
  12. Nah,that took all the fun out of igta nights.I've put up with alot of that killing over several times but im done now.
  13. I'm done with this shit.I ain't never comin back.
  14. Yeah true,fuck I wish I could remember what the other idea was. Probably just easier at this point to say fugg it and go with a "no theme" I did enjoy the playlists of jobs that we havent played in a long ass time.
  15. Manhunt night,B0nes! We have been throwin that idea around for at least a couple weeks now.
  16. I thought GTAgrl posted a pic,what a tease. *crawls back into cave*
  17. Holy fucking wow how this night turned out LOL at least we got some more days of this but jeebus I don't think I lost my shit like I did in awhile
  18. Just watch when GTAgrl gets a ps4 vagina magic will happen and igta nights will be rollin again.
  19. Holy grail special..i's gots that jesus juice in me.
  20. No...I'm special cause I got the crew blue helmet 'N shit. Sooooooo,yyyeeeeaaahhhh.
  21. Dis' nigglet Yarp,i'll be if there any doubts that I wouldn't be.
  22. Cos blammit,doug... I didn't get nothing for photos cause I was just preparing for the servers to fuck up alas got a miracle.praise baby jeebus