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Everything posted by MrMister81

  1. Rockstar Warehouse updated today with some more GTA V merch, if you're into that sort of thing...
  2. I'll just leave this here, for those that are worried/curious about driving physics... Assuming it's a legit response from R*, it might quell some fears about arcade-like driving. On the other hand, it doesn't really say much besides "trust us, this isn't our first rodeo."
  3. I'm with Fitty on this one, 16 seems like the magic number for current-gen, and to BlackSox9's point, it is evenly divisible by 4.
  4. I like that this guy added in the zoomed-in aerial shots. Seemed like more trouble than it was worth for a map overview, but really it gives nice detail.
  5. You cant repo the assets of a dead man, big city cheap asshole? I hear "bench-sittin' cheap asshole"
  6. Last one for the night... This isn't perfectly aligned but it's close and it does give some idea of the scale of the map. Just a mashup of my earlier post along with Fizog's composite of the blueprint map glimpses.
  7. Didn't even occur to me... Okay, I added possibly the shittiest watermark the world has ever seen, but it's there.
  8. Yes. Someone can. ...and that someone is me. This was a pain in the ass, btw. The entire thing has been rotated 90 degrees to put north at the top, since that should help us get our bearings. For whatever reason, the map as shown in-game has north at the left of the screen, east at the top, etc. This is based on the north marker on the radar map during Trevor's cop chase scene - he starts out travelling on a very straight road from bottom to top on the radar, which turns out to be west to east. I seem to remember someone saying the rolled-up map from the Special Edition promo was also rotated. Could be that the map is actually longer from north to south, so R* oriented it that way so it fits nice on an HD display. <shrug> For comparison, here it is as shown in-game. Edit: Watermarked, good call Gunny.
  9. Well, I gave my two cents. Of course, those two cents will probably take a beating on the BAWSAQ and end up worthless.
  10. On a tangentially related topic, here's some wild, unfounded speculation... I'm thinking yesterday might have been the beginning of a weekly schedule for video releases. I wouldn't be surprised to see as many as 10 feature-specific gameplay videos (I think MP3 had around 7), each 1-2 minutes with a relatively narrow focus (i.e. "This is Chop, Franklin can order him to attack enemies" and "GTA Online is ZOMG SO AWESOME!!!1") The hype machine is reaching full throttle, and R* will want to sustain it as much as possible.
  11. <GunSmith117 mutters inaudibly to himself, cancels preorder />
  12. This may not necessarily mean that the wind meter is unavailable outside of hunting. Could just be a different type of rifle or a fancy-ass customization.
  13. At the risk of repeating myself ad nauseum, the shape of the map suggests to me that R* is trying to emulate something you might see in the real world. Navigation units (and, more relevant, smart phone screens) are rectangular in shape, not circular. Am I the only one that thinks this is a logical step forward?
  14. By my count, the only high-res (1280 or better) images we are still missing are 1) the motorcycle with the V logo and 2) Franklin wasting a (presumed) Balla with his Flashlight-O-Doom. Right?
  15. ^ that @Black, notice on the paint job screen that the header says "Primary Colors" and gives the 75 options. This implies that there will also be a "Secondary Colors" option, and possibly further control over how those two (or more) colors are represented/blended. So we see 75 primary colors + 26 options for wheels... That means there are "more than" 899 options yet to be revealed!