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Posts posted by D1J2D3

  1. This is something I was thinking about the other day when playing Red Dead Redemption for the first time in a long while.

    First time in a while. I still play the game ALOT

    Really? I don't particularly like the multiplayer and I got 100% completion with ease so for me there is no point, except throwin' tomahawks and throwing a lasso around a dog pretending it's my pet.

    Ya I thought it would be a big deal in RDR to get the Bureau Uniform, and it was actually really easy. Thank God there were no pigeons, I hate those things in GTA IV their pretty useless.

  2. Whoa there, 305 user with a long name who responds in all caps and who who uses a iPhone app hence the Yours sincerely, A fine gentleman with an iPhone.; that appears to be flaming and your burning my sensitive skin. Quick, someone get the lotion from the basket.

    But seriously folks, when's the last time you completed a gta mission with nothing but your fists... Let's spend our limited resources more wisely.

    However, I thought melee referred to fisting only, I didn't realize it included other weapons like purple dildos... I always save a slot for my dildo, and if it was taken out of me gta5 wouldn't have quite the same feel

    Completely true, but what about after you finish the game? Or you just want to fool around? I love walking around town and beating people up, to me it's more fun than just shooting them dead in one second. If the game wasn't sandbox there would be no need for melee, but since it is it adds a lot of fun and replay value. At least in my opinion.

    Exactly, what me and my friend liked doing online was getting the cops called over then attempting to take them down with just our knives. It just really adds to the replay value. And who doesn't like getting in a good fistfight after that car accident with a cabby.

    I thought I was the only one! But what I prefer doing is punching a taxi and then running into some cops, and letting the driver hit the cops instead of me and watch him get arrested. Good times...

    I love doing that too, or if you hook up c4 to a car in times square, equip your fists and blow it up you usually get a flurry of cabbies start to try to punch you. I just climb on top of a car let them punch each other, eventually starting a fight club in the middle of times square. Then the classic pushing people down flights of stairs is always a good laugh.

  3. Whoa there, 305 user with a long name who responds in all caps and who who uses a iPhone app hence the Yours sincerely, A fine gentleman with an iPhone.; that appears to be flaming and your burning my sensitive skin. Quick, someone get the lotion from the basket.

    But seriously folks, when's the last time you completed a gta mission with nothing but your fists... Let's spend our limited resources more wisely.

    However, I thought melee referred to fisting only, I didn't realize it included other weapons like purple dildos... I always save a slot for my dildo, and if it was taken out of me gta5 wouldn't have quite the same feel

    Completely true, but what about after you finish the game? Or you just want to fool around? I love walking around town and beating people up, to me it's more fun than just shooting them dead in one second. If the game wasn't sandbox there would be no need for melee, but since it is it adds a lot of fun and replay value. At least in my opinion.

    Exactly, what me and my friend liked doing online was getting the cops called over then attempting to take them down with just our knives. It just really adds to the replay value. And who doesn't like getting in a good fistfight after that car accident with a cabby.

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  4. Yeah I agree, the combat in IV wasn't so smooth.

    e.g. If I was trying to beat someones ass and I kicked them to the floor, there was usually an invisible barrier stopping my kick above them so I have to shift over to be able to kick them. Same with all melee, it wasn't great TBH. But I liked the counters that they had, and ability to disarm. shame it was only for 2 weapons...

    Stealth kills were in SA, so I hope they will also be in V.

    I also hope there are more melee weapons than just a bat and a knife, like chainsaws, golf clubs, pool cues, axes, sledgehammers etc... And I also hope you can pick up random shit off the ground, throw it and see actual damage. In IV it seemed as if an empty plastic cup did the same amount of damage as a brick against a car's windows.

    Ya i really like the idea of picking stuff up off the ground though and I hope they improve it in IV. What else would be nice if when you jack a car and your character aims his gun at him in the animation to get him out if you could actually shoot him that would be cool as well.

  5. I would like to see the ability to execute anyone anywhere, in different styles depending on weapon.

    Could be similar to Gears of War; you damage them enough, they drop, then you can either keep shooting them and kill them, or shoot them within melee range and it automatically does an execution. Automatic execution makes more sense to me then a dedicated 'execution button.'

    Yeah like if you get close with a pistol, the kill button should turn to execute, same with other weapons and then the melee button should be pistol whip.

    I like the pistol whip idea, imagine pistol whipping Faustin off that roof lol

  6. We should have a choice wether or not to have to put gas in a vehicle, make it an opotion, why have gas stations if you cant use them. And optional automatic and manual shifting. And last they should take the vehicle customization from Midnight Club LA and put it in GTA 5, so we can customize the vinyls and paint and bumper and lights and hoods and widebodys and engines etc.....

    I like the manual shifting idea, but realism wise very few American cars would come with manuel standard. A revamped paintjob system would be awesome, and imagine being able to sell you customized cars to other gta players over the online to be put into your single player garage or something, kind of like Forza 4's auction house.

  7. Like Heavy Rain merged with Manhunt? Would be pretty cool, I would like to see the ability to execute anyone anywhere, in different styles depending on weapon.

    I would love to do that, and what else might be nice is a better melee combat system. I like IV combat system a lot, but I'd like to be the bamf that takes down one cop with just his hands by disarming his gun, shooting him then taking out his partner.

  8. Customising cars, customising attire, customising safe houses... it's all the same pointless bullshit really.

    Personally, upgrading safe houses would be better than customising safe houses. I don't care if my sofa is red or blue, or if I can change the tiles in my bathroom. But adding a weapons stash, another garage space or a helipad are all things that would constitute 'upgrading' your safe house. These would be cool additions to the game.

    This is what I want too. Like 3 levels of customization/upgrades. I dont want to choose each individual sofa just be able to upgrade to make it look a bit nicer, why? Because I like nice things. Its why I shopped at Perseus in gta Iv, and why I chose the cars I did. And I'm also fine with people arguing against it. As long as they make useful arguments.

    Tiered leveling of houses I think would be a great addition to the game. It wouldn't have to be anything complicated, maybe it could be based like Skyrims house customization.