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Everything posted by TreeFitty

  1. I agree with him. Yes, when you're new to a game you might get killed often but once you get the hang of things (and get good), games like IV weren't so bad. I think it adds a small challenge to conserve your health and not just run out into the middle of a room with enemies shooting you. It makes you think of a better way to get the job done.
  2. uses news submitted by users (in this case, a dipshit named Ben Miller). So any dipshit that signs up can write a news article about whatever stupid thing they find and post it as news. "Each Examiner is able to express ... a deep expertise in a topic" - So much for that.
  3. /merged. Use the search feature top-right. Also, you are not allowed to post html as I'm sure you can see.
  4. This obvious fake will probably make the rounds: Aside from the all the photoshop filters they decided to put it through (lens flare? really?), the map in the corner is GTA IV anyway:
  5. Was that so hard? Anyway, all these "leaks" make the rounds by preying on people who see some truthful lines and ignore the totally false lines. This "leak" just takes the cake. Most of it is outrageous claims. Especially how someone's NDA is void if they get fired... Yeah that works in the real world.
  6. Plus that E3 is the reason R* has little or no showing at current E3s.
  7. Too bad they didn't "leak" it before the trailer.
  8. We try our best. Welcome to the site!
  9. I'm not sure if they'll work like that since everything is kept on the Social Club website. I would think not as far as fueds but they could have the same clan crew listed for both consoles.
  10. Probably. Although I'm sure most will form their own Crews anyway but a general site one would be good.
  11. They got shot down because of all the bullshit in them. We don't expect Rockstar to stay in the dark ages of multiplayer. Anyone could have guessed that they would finally implement a clan system (crews) as an improvement of posses in RDR.
  12. The best info is what Rockstar is keeping secret (or at least, not telling).
  13. ^That's exactly why I used MGM HQ at first. The only reason I changed to The Century was because of the top-middle piece sticking out a little. I was thinking maybe the right side piece was another building or it was still under construction in GTA V. It is possible that Rockstar combined features since they have done so with others in the downtown area. edit: For anyone else that wants to give their input, here's a pic of The Century's top showing the flat short sides: (link)
  14. Updated my Los Santos Map a little, using the discussed info. Also remade the Venice area more accurate and cleaned up the lines: I'm still not entirely convinced about The Century being in the pier shot. Something I noticed while updating the map was the orientation of The Century. The building in the pier shot is is turned 90 degrees compared to what I have for The Century. The Century was lined up using the golf course scene and might be a little off but not a quarter turn as far as I can see: In addition to that, there are 2 tall buildings near each other in that area as seen in the final shot of the trailer: I'm starting to think that the building in the pier shot may be Constellation Place (MGM HQ) which I had mistaken originally as The Century. Although questions still exist regarding position and height differences. Might work on this more tomorrow.
  15. I think it's just a perspective thing. I'm pretty certain that the Venice shot is taken over the beach (the camera is hovering over the beach) so that brings it back even farther from Downtown. Then the oil rig shot is not completely to the side so they look closer.
  16. Yes, they are the two or three smaller buildings below on the far left of my pic, right next to the closer building: Those I have been certain about. The others are questionable since we can barely see them from these distant views.
  17. The question he was answering was: They wanted to know anything about the game but obviously Rockstar wants to keep majority of it secret for now. Houser wasn't talking about only the map, but the map being big is all they have said so far.
  18. Probably because Rockstar's only statements on the game say: And: The window for the other cities is small. San Francisco is Northern California, and Vegas isn't even California. Rockstar has said it's Los Santos and the countryside. Neither of those cities are near Los Angeles and aren't countryside.
  19. Speaking of which, the party mode ended up being much more fun than the deathmatch. Plenty of time to gather weapons/ammo and devise a plan to get killed by me I mean kill the other players...
  20. It's possible, but remember that this isn't an exact replica of Los Angeles. Not everything is where it should be. I'll look into this some more later. Keep throwing evidence my way if you got it. edit: If you are correct, then the following is likely true: This would probably make the pointy building left of 100 Wilshire to be a take on 225 Santa Monica Blvd: (link) And if those are true, then there is more proof of the pier not being exactly where it is in real life when compared to the building locations. edit 2: I am starting to like your theory by the way. As for my map, that would bring the pier+area down a little more.
  21. I've looked at it, but not so sure they are the same. The one in the pier shot (1st pic) appears to have more flat angles where as the Century is rounded. Plus, you can see hills directly behind it and in the last shot (3rd) the hills are in front of it from the first pic's angle. I believe the first building is actually behind the hills on the right in the 3rd pic.