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Everything posted by TreeFitty

  1. even though it wasn't on the truck, and the n00bs do all kinds of fuzzy math with license plate numbers.
  2. There's 2 subways. Nowhere near the scale of NY but I think Rockstar will put at least one in. (red and purple are the subways)
  3. The rich text editor is a little funky sometimes. It tries to help but it's not always helpful. I always switch to the text-only way (button on top-left next to the eraser) to code it the way I want.
  4. Control+F5 or clear your cache/temporary internet files.
  5. If you aren't gold within a couple days, PM Duff. He'll give you your keycard.
  6. Yeah it's all rumors. I was planning on all those casting calls being San Andreas Stories but we can see how that turned out (although none are actually confirmed for V yet).
  7. the bell hops getting out of the van had be busting out in laughter. and yeah, V looks better.
  8. I have no idea where anyone pulled a spanish/hispanic accent from. Guy sounded white since day 1 November 2nd. And no, I don't have a New Yohk accent but I use one to blend in.
  9. It's okay. Should make the straight lines have some "noise" to them as if they are actual borders. The stains on the paper are over done too. /added to gallery
  10. so you want this added to the site or.... ?
  11. I was thinking about using estimation techniques but you need angles and such which are hard to estimate so the final estimation could be way off.
  12. Alright, n00b mess is cleaned up. And yes, it's a translation.
  13. I love that Mike Judge didn't really change anything and I'm glad it came back. Got a good laugh from tonight's show about San Andreas. Like South Park, they have been putting the episodes online after they air:
  14. Map/Analysis updated. Real life intersection of Windward and Pacific Aves: Los Santos Map Approx.:
  15. Since you edited this..... That's a cable car in San Francisco. Light rails look like this:
  16. Fear of looking at his @Mentions. Although twitter just changed that...
  17. haha totally remember that cheerios commercial. The sailor scene in his demo reel is the closest to the trailer. That and everything else makes this an open/shut case.
  18. ^That^. Just because we have Los Santos, and just because it is in the state of San Andreas, does NOT mean we will have the other cities or even the same names for places (Chiliad for example).