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Everything posted by TreeFitty

  1. It looked weird in a few spots but I'm sure it will only get better.
  2. There's no "losing your virginity" achievement to let me know when new accounts post. Stop being lazy and report the stuff.
  3. In other words, you should get banned twice as hard.
  4. Someone's (obviously old) attempt of a "leaked" E3 line up.
  5. Damn it, Massy! I already lost my penis in the first explosion! What else is there to live for?! I really do want to see the explosions in motion though.
  6. Video. Now. Or else. Or else what? Exactly.
  7. Wasn't me. Maybe one of our new members is running amok. also, I esploded in my pants at the explosion. How do flames/fire look? Any better? They were beautiful in IV without mods.
  8. Only thing that doesn't look right is the windows of the cars. The first one especially.
  9. 1. Calm down kid 2. Sentences = good 3. This is a forum for discussion. We have opinions just like you. Don't get mad because our opinions are different or go against yours. That's life. 4. We all want everything. Unfortunately the core group of people on this site are more realistic and know we won't get everything. Oh and 5. Welcome to iGTA!
  10. Which reminds me, Dup has those street scenes he did a bit ago for uni...
  11. Liking #2 again. It's like a photo from the 80s.
  12. What a new Grand Theft Auto: London or other European country would look like for the next GTA. Taken from a mod video and photoshopped: I kept forgetting I had this. some videos to mix it up:
  13. Diablo Stallion. I hated the regular Stallion. Handling always sucked to me.
  14. This can be GTA V oriented... otherwise we just stick general GTA things in General.
  15. ^ i mean... oh, poor marney.
  16. so much for Rockstar Sydney... :-/
  17. I didn't get to play as much as I wanted to. I think I'm around Level 25 in Legend 2. Oh well.
  18. It's like a spambot but with GTA5 sanandreas 2 instead of links.
  19. lol I was going to put that in but then everyone would vote for it.