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Everything posted by TreeFitty

  1. That's actually a cool idea. A mini plug-and-play computer that does the basic things. How fast and well it performs is to be determined (by the users) but it sounds very promising. Just goes to show how far computers have come and how small they keep getting. Reminds me of this movie:
  2. ^lol my roommate just showed me that. Apparently people on Reddit are bitching about Noire for some reason.
  3. Kind of. Microsoft (and many others) backed HD DVD, Sony (and many others) backed Blu-Ray which won the "HD format war" but that's another topic.
  4. Problem is I think IV was at the DVD limits so if they want to really expand the map/gameplay they'll need to go multi-disc.
  5. Yeah unfortunately the multi-disc issue is towards the Xbox only. I don't think there will be so much content for GTA 5 that Rockstar uses more than one Blu-Ray. Back to my first post, I think we'll see 2 discs for Xbox max.
  6. marney's only goal is to stir the pot and troll. Nothing more.
  7. As was literally just revealed, L.A. Noire fills a 25 GB Blu-Ray disc for the PlayStation 3 and will span 3 discs for the Xbox 360. So do you think the next Grand Theft Auto game will be so big or contain so much content that it will need multiple discs or will Rockstar stick to 1 disc for all? With the L.A. Noire reveal, I think the next GTA might go onto 2 discs for the 360. I'm not sure how they would split it up though. Maybe half the main story on each. Even if the map is huge, I don't think they'll split that since it would take away from the free roaming a little. Thoughts?
  8. 1 disc for PS3, 3 for Xbox 360, plenty of DLC to come
  9. I was waiting for someone to 'shop it. One less thing I have to do.
  10. I would expect the photos to come out sooner or later but never the video of it all. I'm sure they have the video but we'll probably never see it in our lifetime. Probably shows all kinds of top secret stuff such as equipment, tactics, audio transmissions, etc.
  11. now this is headed towards graphics/media.
  12. Last time I played RDR the dark horse was given to me. I didn't realize I was being so naughty after finishing the game.
  13. Team Bondi have their own engine which they haven't released ANY info about yet. A certain person at Team Bondi said he'd let me know if they do. /fix'd
  14. ^that^ This was Asylum-bound from the start anyway.
  15. I'm wondering which video game company will make a game or DLC involving this and/or the Seals who did it. Toss up between Battlefield and COD but EA might pay their way in.
  16. Saw a bus with an L.A. Noire ad today. I feel special. Just need to get a picture.
  17. *runs off to play Bin Laden's Liquors*
  19. They'll figure it out eventually. The big version you posted shows an obvious 'shop with the different blurs/skintones. No one said the media was smart. zomg teh realz one!
  20. Poor marney. Thinks that photo is as real as the conspiracies he follows. tisk tisk.
  21. my camera is kind of shit at night.