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Posts posted by TreeFitty

  1. I played with some post edit settings. For some reason Admins could only edit posts within 5 minutes of making them. Didn't see any options about requiring a reason, though.


    The image widths are set to 800x800 max default like the old board attachments. Keeps the page a little smaller instead of scrolling past tons of HD images.


    Also no one was allowed to delete attachments for some reason but that has been fixed too. I think the last update messed with some of the settings.

  2. 12 hours ago, gtagrl said:

    Is there any way to read more than three replies at a time to status updates?

    There isn't an option so it may need to be recoded like the tags.

    12 hours ago, gtagrl said:

    And, is there a way for a visual indicator to show up when people are in the chat room?

    For some reason the link that's supposed to automatically appear for chat won't show and I had to make my own link (just like the links). I assume the link that's supposed to be there would show how many people are chatting.

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  3. FYI for all we will be moving to a brand new server sometime tomorrow morning into the afternoon. The old sites have already been moved across so that leaves just this place which is much more active at the moment. [shocked face]


    With the move will also come an upgrade to these forums so things might be a little funky when it returns. Bare with us.


    As an added (somewhat huge) benefit to our move, we should be finally rid of our advertisement issues. We will have a much better grip on what ads are displayed.






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  4.  Unless they decided to stealth it in with an older update


    ^That's more what I was getting at since Rockstar has a habit of putting pieces of future content in with present updates.


    I assume no one knows if the newer high-end apartments and stilt house interiors are down in blue hell with the others. I think those are the only new interiors added since launch.