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Everything posted by TreeFitty

  1. From the previous link: "Then, in the afternoon (US Central time) we will release the digital edition " So basically afternoon for us. Still have the cover reveal sometime in the morning. If it's on me I'm posting images with a link to the full size and that's about it. Don't need much else.
  2. Tons of people will have the scans up. I think they "allow" us to get away with it since we only post the GTA V article and not the whole magazine .pdf. Game Informer will get their money from people subscribing just for GTA V anyway.
  3. It probably does still work then. I guess the only way to really find out is to have a private match with a friend and test damage levels.
  4. So you have it unlocked AND you purchased it? You're definitely not the first to question loadouts. I think Rockstar kind of fudged the system a little because I also couldn't figure it out at first.
  5. I loaded up VC on my PS2 last night. Found Tommy in a police uniform. Rampaged in a Hunter before passing out. Woke up this morning with my PS2 still running. My good luck charm.
  6. With the new artwork I'm starting to think that the heist will be the main focus of GTA V's story. Perhaps we start with it but it will be broken up into a couple parts (driving there, robbing the place, getting away from the cops) and in between those parts we'll flashback to the protag's life before this point. Then we'll play other missions in the flashbacks to build the story up to the heist. And if Rockstar expands the story decisions (who to kill/save) we might be able to influence what happens in the next part of the heist. Something like that.
  7. I took another look. GTA IV was on the May 2007 Game Informer cover and the game was due out October 2007 (5 months, technically 6 from the time we get the magazine). So if we use 5 months again, May 2013 will be GTA V's month.
  8. They clearly run into the jewelry store next to Anna Rex. Two different buildings. also,
  9. I think the artwork is alright. Good blend of new and old. I was expecting more Max Payne 3 style but I wouldn't really care if they went back to GTA III.
  10. About 6 months (I think) to the original release date. I was looking at a bunch of Rockstar's recent games. LAN and MP3 kind of fudged everything as far as timelines.
  11. I'm certain this will be the GI Cover. They'll modify it a little to fit right.
  12. Not worth posting as news with 40 minutes left of the sale. :-/
  13. Then we can figure out what you are trying to say. The GTA V facebook page is: http://www.facebook....473819899309541
  14. The front page news article was turning into a general wishlist. Not even just multiplayer. I have been deleting plenty of comments because they had nothing to do with crews.
  15. That has nothing to do with Rockstar (aside from the small percentage they get no matter what the price) so no.
  16. *dessert x2 As for Crew improvements (not just gameplay additions) that's a difficult question. Having a specific faction as a Crew default would be good but it seems just as good to allow everyone to pick their own faction/avatar. A whole set of rules about overriding custom settings and such would have to be worked out. Some game modes will likely have certain factions against each other (Cops 'n Crooks for example). The most improvements I see would have to be on the website side of things. Something like making it easier to organize Crew vs Crew battles. Such as a Crew leader looks at a rival Crew's page and hits a "Set up match" button. Then the rival Crew leader can accept. Other details would need to be worked out like if a special mini-leaderboard gets set up for that match or whatever kind of record of the match to show off.
  17. Anyone who still thinks the game is releasing this year needs to get smacked.
  18. Yeah I'm surprised they haven't said a word yet. Might be caught up trying to get that delayed MP3 DLC out the door after a month delay.