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Everything posted by trathen

  1. Bad handwriting is a sign of massive intelligence. Look at Stephen Hawking, he writes like a retard but is one of the most intelligent people alive today. And I write even worse than him I doubt hawking can even pick up the pen these days tbh Way to miss the joke Thank you.
  2. Bad handwriting is a sign of massive intelligence. Look at Stephen Hawking, he writes like a retard but is one of the most intelligent people alive today. And I write even worse than him I doubt hawking can even pick up the pen these days tbh
  3. I'll put myself as a maybe, it depends on how good my internet connection is that night. It'll be good to get back to gta online, I've been on gta 4 the past few days trying to kill all the pigeons being the trophy whore I am.
  4. Speaking of utterly butterly, it was on offer a few weeks ago in morrisons. my dad took full advantage of this.
  5. Top two shelves, didn't get a snap of the drawer because my camera is shit and theres just fruit and more disorganised food. The fridge generally becomes bare by wednesday night as my mum and dad go shopping on a thursday. they try and keep it tidy but its generally a fuck awful mess by the friday night. enjoy looking for brands and shop names.
  6. 69p for us in the United Kingdom, dont know wtf presidents day is but i'm happy to grab the game at a great price because of it.
  7. Only just finished season 4 last night. epic ending and I cant wait for season 5 now. What am I meant to do with my spare time now?!?!?!
  8. Fuck you Fuck you! Did you get your R* sticker back? nope. I get the feeling that the smackhead prick kept the other half and used it to cover the stains on his umbro tracksuit
  9. go faster stripes, every bus needs go faster stripes. if only arriva had them, eh marney
  10. I wasnt doing anything at that time and got that speed. Wi fi off on iPhone, EVERYTHING. hopefully it'll sort itself out tomorrow Edit: Its actually a bit better now, still about 1.5mb/s off its usual speed. That's what you get for abandoning your Liverpool roots you dirty woollyback! rather live in widnes and have a shitty internet speed than live in the shit hole that is huyton with cable
  11. I wasnt doing anything at that time and got that speed. Wi fi off on iPhone, EVERYTHING. hopefully it'll sort itself out tomorrow Edit: Its actually a bit better now, still about 1.5mb/s off its usual speed.
  12. Can anyone beat this in terms of shittiness? doubt it, its been like this all day
  13. Way before my time but there is one or two that I know. has to be the godfather hands down, I could sit here now and watch it despite its age. quality film. 1978 according to google
  14. has managed to improve considerably over the past few years. not sure by how much so I might have to reference the old topic. I shall go and research on igta and come and edit this later Edit: it appears that it hasnt improved by much since 2010 but it was much worse prior to that
  15. That image makes me think of this song. its now stuck in my head and I need to get up early in the morning. thanks marney
  16. There isn't a michael jackson song out there that I don't like. He IS amazing. he may be dead but his music is fantastic and he was even better live (judging from the videos on youtube ect, I never had the chance to see him live) It pisses me off when people talk shit about him. before you decide to call him a peado atleast look up what the man had gone through and who he was. I can regularly have an arguement with my dad when michael comes up in conversation, he just fails to agree with me and brands him a fuckin peado, makes me sick/. EDIT: seeing as we're posting videos I'll add this:
  17. nailed it. they've realised that nintendo got it spot on with the 1st wii and they're going to copy them from the first moment with the next gen consoles. thats how everything is now, someone does something good and everyone else copies them
  18. whats the actual point of that? establish an online gaming brand and then fuck it off for something that seems to be less memorable. people dont generally like changes on a big scale and this is going to fuck a lot of people off (including me).
  19. No, just no. how many times have we seen this sort of stuff before? If you were an ex R* employee then I imagine they'd have some sort of legal document that they could arse rape you with if you ever decided to post any secrets like this, nice try though
  20. I might just go and steal that one dupz, its too epic not to.
  21. of all the silly topics that we've had this one isn't too bad. If this was the case and say, for example, the next xbox comes out around the same time, then GTA 5 would have been developed for the 360 and ps3 (its already far along in development so its evidently being developed for current gen). The closest you'd get to a next gen release would probably be a port from one of the current consoles. hope this actually makes sense, its pretty late here haha
  22. A few don't seem to work and they're generally too small to see which ones they are. But I still managed to spam a few of my mates with them before facebook told me off so thank you haha.