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Posts posted by trathen

  1. Thanks to this topic it looks like im going to blow more money on dvds this winter. cant find repeats on any of the UK channels and its not on the channel 5 on demand service so im screwed. looks quality, cant wait to watch it, just have to stay away from this topic now incase any of the retards on this site (fresh prince, ect) post spoilers without the spoiler tags.

  2. Im at a point in my life where I look under the tree and think "what the fuck happened to getting a serious amount of presents?". Most of the stuff I get now is even more useless shit than I used to get as a kid. great example, back in 09 i was after one of them mini helicopter things and my auntie got me one. was 16 at the time but stil made up. she seen it as a successful gift and she then got me this shitty helicopter/hovershit thing the year after. no thought was given when she purchased it and it didnt even fly properly. I get the feeling that the trend will continue this year and it'll be more shite. Atleast in the past she used to buy me liverpool themed clothing that I'd wear, LFC t-shirts ect. I'd rather have the money now.

    Shit without my nan and grandad too, feel weird not having anyone in the space at the top of the table where my grandad always sat and this is the 3rd year without them. bah fucking humbug

  3. icon11.gif

    Hello all, have been checking in for several weeks now lurking around, and thought I would register.

    Seems like a pretty cool place. My name is Sean, I'm 26, due to be married and obviously I love gaming, so does the missus, especially San Andreas.

    Got yourself a girl gamer? Marry her. If you don't I will.

    If she's one of them good looking girl gamers like this [was going to find an image but the college network wont let me, bitches] then I envy you.

    If, on the other hand she looks like this


    Then you can keep her :)

    Welcome to the forums btw

  4. Saw on HotUKDeals that Gamestation was selling Skyrim for £22.49 today. Quite handy on the day I finish uni work for the Christmas period.

    I guess I'll be playing it solid for the next two weeks.

    Cheers Duff I'm ordering it now from here. :)

    Fuck waiting for Christmas.

    Vowed never to deal with Gamestation again after my RDR incident but a deal is a deal. *Starts reading thread from page one*

    My brother picked it up today from gamestation with the idea of it being for my birthday (18th dec) but now im hoping to give him the money for it and get my grubby hands on it by the weekend. my day in college today consisted of getting hyped up on this game via you tube and this topic.

  5. Personally, I think you've not installed your video card driver. But i'm not really that great with this kinda stuff, just make sure your running the latest versions of all your drivers.

    Yep, generally if theres an issue with the screen resolution its the drivers. have a look at device manager to see if its installed them, if they're already there then try updating them. I had an issue with my graphics card on my pc and after an update it works like a charm.

    The thing with video games is probably linked to it. try and look on the windows website and see if the forums on there have any similar topics, oh and theres always google.

    If you want a guide on how to fix it on here, you'll just have to wait for someone like psy to post and shit all over my contribution with his degree trained brain.

  6. I believe that acer own packard bell so I'd personally stay away from it because of the shit I had with acer. nothing in it tbh, if all she needs it for is general shit then they're more than capable. looking for a laptop myself for £400 and the only suggestion is stay away from acer, some of the specs look good but fuck me do they feel cheap

  7. post-3-0-04006000-1322552901.png

    Guy running obviously has darker skin and his face looks longer. Lighter skin guy in red car has a more round face. Foreheads are different too.

    they look similar-ish. they're both black for one and erm, well, they're black. surely thats enough to think they're in some sort of gang together?

    Edit: ignore that^. The fact they look similar is probably because the game is still in development. they done it with a gta 4 trailer with every car in the time lapse in star junction being the same.

  8. I heard your mother bumped into that. :D

    yep she certainly did, I now have two scuffs on the rear bumper that I haven't made. first one was already there, tried to cover it, failed, and now the other one is right on the corner on the passenger side with traces of black paint off the mazda still visible

  9. RDR was a good game

    good observations, you have learnt well ,young one :clap:

    Moving on,

    i believe there was a fake list put on here somewhere mentioning a road that goes out into the distance, as straight as a ruler and goes on and on. That'd be nice, the game wouldn't just be on an island if that was the case and it would give it a better feel I think. I'll have to dig out the topic from the gta 5 discussion at some point whn i'm not falling asleep

  10. I just had a thought... You're involved in a 4 star police chase, speeding through the twisting country roads with the fuzz hot on your tail, then out of nowhere a deer jumps out into the road and you plow straight through it at 60mph totalling your car and sending you flying off into some trees. Now that would be pretty epic.

    More so if Tommy was driving the car and CJ was masturbating in the passenger's seat.

    That'd be epic. I can just picture it now, then all the police cars manage to hit the dead deer too but they all die in a huge fireball because they haven't got the same skills (and cheats, they dont have them either).

  11. Am I the only person in the world who just has a phone for making and receiving phone calls? Unless I'm on my laptop in my office I'm not interested in social media.

    Oh shit, I'm turning into my fucking dad.

    My dad would actually still have his nokia brick if he didn't need a handsfree kit.

    Younger generation and all that isn't it marney, I use my phone for so much stuff since my laptop died so its pretty useful having the Internet in your pocket. I'm actually using my iPhone to post this reply aswell

  12. Did you get many female teachers back then?

    'Back then' as in the 80's and '90's? Yes, yes of course.

    generally find that primary school teachers are women now, really started to notice it myself when I was in year 4, i think there was about 4 men teaching in the whole school. I occasionally go back to my old primary school to pick my cousins up and the number of fit teachers is outstanding, the class helpers more so, its just something you'd never have picked up on as a kid.

    It seems that the ugly fuckers near retirement have more fun teaching in secondary schools, there was 1 fit teacher in my secondary school and that was it. Although she was a major tease so that sort of balanced it out. She used to lean over the desk to give anyone help with work and you'd literally sit there in a trance staring for the next 5 mins. She also used to have ways of searching though the filing cabinets, different positions dependent on the height of the drawer she needed. The top one she'd have this weird stand that showed her arse off more, second drawer she'd sort of bend over and we'd stare again but the best has to be the stance for the lowest one. she'd have this crouch thing going on and we could see whatever underwear she had on. so many hours spend debating whether she was wearing a thong, ahh good times. can still picture her aswell the slut :drool: