Ku Zi Mu

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Everything posted by Ku Zi Mu

  1. </p>I forgot about the titles so I'll give you that, but I don't understand why they wouldn't have released it when they did if it was Tracey. They released several artworks before this one (which I'm pretty sure was leaked) anyway.
  2. *changes back to caucasian skin* *still has re-vitiligo* FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK!!!!!
  3. There was already a conversation about this when the iFruit girl artwork was first revealed. Either way I think it's his daughter. Boxart looks good, I'm curious as to what the back will look like. My gues is they'll probably use the artwork Jamie's sig is made of. This one^
  4. Small request, can any comic spoilers please proceed with a "[Comic]" Example... [Comic]
  5. I hope it's as good as the S2 finale. Lets all have a walking dead party in the chat! I'll bring the Sprite, Massacre, you bring the Munchies.
  6. It probably is the official boxart, I'm just saying that it could also just be a separate advertisement which isn't that unlikely. http://www.google.com/search?q=gta+iv+advertisement&num=30&hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=off&gbv=2&prmd=ivns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=wKhXUeidMczh4AOmpoDoCA&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ yeah they did. With that being said I retract my previous comments, carry on.
  7. I'm not too sure this is the boxart, it could just be an advertiser, but the actual game case could be something else.
  8. Some people confuse gameplay with in-game footage. It's all in-game but not everything is gameplay (Rockstar dev controlling someone). Oh, they said in-game footage. I guess that's still cool.
  9. Sounds great. GODFATHER linked an article a while back that said the trailer was 100% gameplay (even the scenes that would normally be a cutscene. I'm not sure about how credible the source was though...
  10. I certainly hope so. It likely does, considering the gasoline mechanics they added. When did they mention gasoline mechanics? Anyone have the quote?
  11. A plant? Nope. Massacre said it's a troll
  12. What's that green smudge underneath the bridge?
  13. Monkey Ball Golf is better, Mario Golf too. I miss my GC
  14. Meh This ones better... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6twhjiD0UO4
  15. *sigh* Where has the time gone?.. ... Oh there it is.