Ku Zi Mu

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Everything posted by Ku Zi Mu

  1. These look good, they're not my favorite screens though. I'm not digging the blue moonlight, every night time shot so far has a really saturated blue tint to it. Not the kind of darkness I was hoping for.
  2. ^Huh? Why couldn't it be Big Boss? Or Ground Zeros?
  3. Man fuck this, I'm not waisting any more of my time with this shit. Congats, Nbur. Fuck your shit, Qd. Fuck yo shit
  4. "I said you could stop at a letter and have it count twice" No you didn't. All you said was "You can go back and forth along the lines, but you cant stay on the same spot to make double letters"
  5. ROREM: There's one R -__- RETEM: How do you get from T to the other E? You said we can go back and forth on the lines. Start at R, go to O, then A, up to D, back down to A (But A wouldn't count because you said we can't use the same letter in the same word twice) then over to S. those 5 letters make ROADS.
  6. The original Spider-Man was pretty amazing, I'm not even sure if this Spidey has powers.
  7. Does anyone know if theres a way to keep the buffalo in Great Plains from dying out when you hunt them? Will they multiply if you leave them alone for a while?
  8. No but he has hell hounds and I've ran out of salt.. plus, he helped me out with the last puzzle.
  9. Me. I need more words! Hey, Nbur, how bout we combine our words and split the cash 60/40?
  10. I think L.S. stretches south further than that. And what's "Grapeseed"? Is it just a logo or is it a landmark?
  11. The way I understood your post, you were talking about hardware and performance, not probability of release.