Ku Zi Mu

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Everything posted by Ku Zi Mu

  1. I'll be putting together a Dog Army to help me take out my enemies. I'll name them individually and give them a position based on their skill sets. Fuck the K9 Unit! We the K789 Unit, Bitchface!
  2. Maybe that blimp will be like the ship from GTAIV. It'll have a mission or two but ultimately you just end up blowing it up.
  3. If i can't be a taxi driver. That would suck QD balls.
  4. Where the hec was that at? Or is that the plane you had to blow up in that one mission?
  5. Either way he is correct. If T2 is expecting that much revenue before March 2013, what other T2 game would make them expect that much money? He asked that question as well. Stop avoiding it.
  6. I doubt an RPG would take out only one truck. GTA is known for it's chain reactions when it comes to vehicles exploding.
  7. Those 3 technical fouls were WRONG, especially the one on Rivers. SMMFH
  8. You've already made that very clear..
  9. I would like to request a different emoticon for I don't think captures the right expression. says "I'm not listening/I'm stubborn" - _ - this however says "Are you really that stupid" So yeah, new emoticon for this (- _ -) input. Here is a good example of what - _ - should look like..
  10. The Thunder beat them? Ha. That's awesome, I hate the Lakers. They're overated, soft, crybabies. I hope the Celtics beat the Heat but I think the Celtics are just too fatigued.
  11. Did the Lakers lose?