Ku Zi Mu

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Everything posted by Ku Zi Mu

  1. The Clippers just got OWNED.
  2. It's not that they're too big, EA has been at E3. They just don't like it. EA? I think R* will release another trailer around E3 and steal E3's thunder. Seems like something R* would do. Do you just think that because Michael Pachter said it? Yes and no.
  3. It's not that they're too big, EA has been at E3. They just don't like it. EA? I think R* will release another trailer around E3 and steal E3's thunder. Seems like something R* would do.
  4. The killstreaks weren't so bad, but the rest, I definitely agree with!! You're fucking stupid there are no kill streaks in GTA Dude, you really need to stop flaming Colon. Yes, he is annoying but I'm getting tired of reporting your post Colon? As in : ....? No, Colon as in the thing shit comes out of. Im surprised you didn't get that one.
  5. The killstreaks weren't so bad, but the rest, I definitely agree with!! You're fucking stupid there are no kill streaks in GTA Dude, you really need to stop flaming Colon. Yes, he is annoying but I'm getting tired of reporting your post
  6. No way in hell because: Kids will never be in GTA. How young do the characters have to be to be a "kid"? Jack Marston was 16 in RDR. That seems really young to me.
  7. I saw some advertisement on YouTube for some TV show that looks exactly like this game. I wonder who copied who.
  8. So I am a moron because I'm an American? Only an idiot would generalise a country the size of America. I'ts not you're fault though. I'd be pissed if someone threw all my tea in The Boston Harbor too. I'm not sure why half of you liked that post, you're American. He calls you a moron and you like his post? (And they call me a moron )
  9. There has been alot of N00B topics lately because Newbs don't bother to search for the shit they justed spammed all over the site. I swear that beta shit becomes a new topic at least 3 times a week. I suggest not allowing members to create a topic untill they have been here for 3 weeks, or they've made at least 100 posts. That way the newbs will know what idiotic shit isn't tolerated and whats already a topic/has been discussed in another topic.
  10. Nope.. You forgot about the two soldiers that were gayfully jogging through that underground tunnel, one of them were black.
  11. I forgot about the Dreamcast. I never owned one but some of my family members did. Greatest console of its generation in my opinion. Fucking rich, SONY bastards. *Playstations leak* Aww noo.. PS3 don't cry. I didn't mean it... PS2 you're too old for this, I expect beter from you...
  12. Why did I just read ^that with a Southern accent?
  13. I borrowed jobo's spellchecker. Wrong word. *cries*
  14. When I originally proposed suspending Massecure's Mod powers, I was kidding. He didn't really realise that though and decided to take it to the head, so I put together a more serious reply, even though I knew he was going to say what he said and thus be proven to be right, wich lead to the end of something that should've never started to begin. Yup.. It was just all part of the plan, (NOT the original plan, the escape plan) I didn't count on the "nitpicking" part because I forgot how hypnotical Massecure can be. I wasn't trying to insult anyone with my sig and sorry if I did. I always have the best of intentions but I seem to almost never show that. The sig was an iGTA5 edited version of the intro warning on South Park. It was meant to match my Towelie avatar, nothing more. The missing "M" in "COMENTS" was a typo. Calm your tits.
  15. Hhmmm Shut the fuck up and move on Be banned Shut the fuck up and move on Be banned Shut the fuck up and move on Be banned... I choose option #3: (Move on and play Tekken)
  16. reg·u·lar·ly [reg-yuh-ler-lee] adverb 1. at regular times or intervals. 2. according to plan, custom, etc. 3. usually; ordinarily: Ex. The dress is regularly $45 but is now on sale for $30. I can't be any clearer than - "Massacre abuses his Mod powers regularly/often/alot." Why should you give a flying fuck? You shouldn't. Flying fucks are very difficult. Psy and DuffMan on the other hand should give "A" fuck. You're suppose to be a Mod, someone who helps run this site accordingly, not someone who doesn't respect the rules and ABUSES his power for a minor chuckle.
  17. Massacre is abusing his Mod powers regularly. I suggest suspending his powers for a week.
  18. Don't be "that guy". Most of the cheats in GTA SA gave you no advantage at all, they just made the game funnier. Maybe cheats like "pedestrian riots" shouldn't be called cheats at all.
  19. "fuck the celtics and heat" -bOnEs Much better...