Ku Zi Mu

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Everything posted by Ku Zi Mu

  1. This is where there probably getting it from... "We believe releasing GTA V in F4Q instead of F3Q will provide four advantages to TTWO: 1) a less crowded window away from the big holiday releases such as Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed etc. Recall, the previous GTA title (GTA IV) was released on April 29, 2008, i.e., also away from the holiday period; 2) smoother earnings in FY14 especially if GTA V launches in the last month of FY13 (March 2013); in other words it will result in stronger GTA V catalog sales in FY14; 3) a larger installed base including the potential for launch on Nintendo Wii U; and 4) an extra couple of months to polish the game." I pasted the wrong link... http://www.nintengen.com/2012/03/gta-v-to-launch-in-2013-wii-u-version.html
  2. I'm a little uneduated on the Wii U. I'm wondering this ^ as well. Im a little surprised your asking me this. I assumed you had an imagination. Here are some of IGN's ideas... http://wii.ign.com/a.../1210750p1.html I agree with the iPod idea, turning the Wii U control into an ingame phone sounds awesome. Custom music, weather channels, radio, mobile ingame internuts, mini games such as pool, solitare, hearts, virtual poker on the ingame iPod, State map, GPS etc. I assume these things will be on PS3 and 360 if there even in the game, but obviously better on Wii U with the Wii U control.
  3. A PacMan like game would be cool. Did anyone ever play Mappy before? http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.fourhman.com/mappy/images/mappy_ex7.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.fourhman.com/mappy/strategy.htm&usg=__5oOATkag5JRCGh79qcSoj0gKysc=&h=288&w=224&sz=13&hl=en&start=11&sig2=uMld6TeUgZ7iyqDPHy802Q&zoom=1&tbnid=LB7LN2o3XbrRpM:&tbnh=115&tbnw=89&ei=Igl5T-HAKaf20gHtqdmYDQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3DMappy%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1 This game was brilliant
  4. Light signals are already used by A.I. in GTAIV, but if your talking about turning without signals like an asshole on the highway/bridges.. than yes they need light signals for that annoyance.
  5. It doesn't really matter to me if you think Im stupid. That has nothing to do with R* using Wii U control in ways that they can't with the 360 and PS3. Correct your quotes.
  6. Do you guys ever race? Or is it all blowing niggas guts out an burning them to ash.
  7. So you really think that if GTAV is on the Wii U, R* won't take advantage of the Wii U control. I didn't know your fate in R* was so little.
  8. Well im 99.99999998871% sure that if GTAV is on the Wii U, the Wii U version will have some exclusive features. If Wii U doesn't have exclusive features, it will have better versions of other features in the game already, via the Wii U control.
  9. No Cops/Military/N.O.O.S.E./Similar Enemy, would totally DESTROY GTAV for me.
  10. Whats your point? I said it would be the same game. What would make it better is R* taking advantage of the Wii U control. Why try to start A debate that isn't there? What is your issue with my statement?
  11. Becuase Im using A PS3 and you can only add so many characters. Thats why I asked everyone not to post till I was finished. The post would've all combined into the O.P.
  12. Please DO NOT post untill this O.P. ends with "Done". As we all know, arcade games in GTA has become the norm. Games like They Crawled from Uranus, Degenatron, Duality, Pogo the Monkey, Let's Get Ready to Bumble, GoGoSpaceMonkey, and the most recent GTA arcade game, QUEB3D, have all been welcomed with open arms to the GTA Universe. So my question is: What GTA Arcade Game do we want in GTAV? The Arcade Game could be A sequel to an original GTA Arcade Game, or A brand new one. The choice is yours. I would perfer A brand new GTA Arcade Game, that is A GTA spoof of A already popular real life Arcade Game. Games like... SoulFighter SoulFighter would be A side scrolling fighting game similar to StreetFighter that allows you to take control of 3 different female characters to fight your way through waves of more than A dozen horny, enemy souls. The 3 characters would be Princess Robot Bubblegum, Faki (A spoof on SoulCalibur legend Taki), and Chung Lee (A spoof on StreetFighter legend Chun Li) SoulFighter's MAIN MENU SOULFIGHT! Select Charater Select Difficulty Fight! SoulFight will be A standard survival match with 5 levels. 1st level; 5 horny souls, Boss Battle. 2nd level; 10 horny souls, Boss Battle. 3rd level; 15 horny souls, Boss Battle. 4th level; 20 horny souls, Boss Battle. Final level; 25 horny souls Big Boss Battle. All boses can be unlocked as playable characters in 2P/VS! mode 2P/VS MODE! Select Character Select from 3 different Stages Fight! OPTIONS Player Movesets Default Difficulty Sound etc.
  13. No airports or just 1 or 2 airports would suck assnutts.
  14. I assume your talking about this... "So far the [Wii U] hardware's been on par with what we have with the current generations," Vigil's Marvin Donald told Game Reactor. "Based on what I understand, the resolution and textures and polycounts and all that stuff, we're not going to being doing anything to up-res the game, but we'll take advantage of the controller for sure." Remember he says "so far" there, so while early dev kits for a launch title might not push the system to its limits, there might still be room under the hood for the Wii U to run games at a clearly higher level than the consoles of today. And whats your point in arguing with me about the Wii U's power. We all know once developers get used to the system, it'll start to look even better than the PS3. My point in replying to OMB was that if GTAV was on Wii U, it would be the same game if not a much better one. Your response to me was to argue about the Wii U's power, and try to prove me wrong, wich you will soon realize you haven't.
  15. Not true, Nintendo has had worse. The Wii U is also more powerful than XBOX360 and the PS3. Wrong. Developers say the Wii U is on par with the Xbox and PS3. 360 and PS3 are ancient technology... http://arstechnica.c...ul-than-ps3.ars
  16. GTAV needs to find a way to let you defend yourself from the cheap ass Cop boats when you're stranded in the damn ocean (swimming, not in a boat), 1 mile from any sort of land. Either let us use weapons while swimming, or dive under the water for protection.
  17. No... it wouldv'e just said "Hi" Technically everything he said in the video IS true.. You can't backstroke in GTA, so technically, not everything he said is true. I was saying his video is shit, I was saying this my be what the Shit List would say if it could talk about leaked info. " I *was'nt saying his video is shit,"
  18. Not true, Nintendo has had worse. The Wii U is also more powerful than XBOX360 and the PS3.
  19. This reminds me of Uncharted 3 alot, for some reason