Ku Zi Mu

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Everything posted by Ku Zi Mu

  1. lul Nice sig ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  2. It's impossible to debate with you, you just dismiss everything and say the same old shit you said before. /facepalm
  3. "Have you seen Luis' mother and father? Neither of them are light skinned. It is extremely unlikely that they would have such a white child." This comment is a little funny. Have you seen Luis' parents, ther not even dark, there the same skin tone as Luis. Besides, I know A family with A LOT of light skin children and grandchildren, and the Grandparents are dark skined ppl, and so are there childrens spouses. Besides, Dominicans tend to be light skined most of the time anyway. "Generically, black people have an accent, caucasians have an accent and hispanics have an accent. How the hell can you think that guy is hispanic? He is white​ Caucasian as fuck, and he also has the typical white accent". Yeh, generally, unless there around alot of caucasians. Have you seen the News?
  4. @truthJustAn808 "I believe that the white old guy is THE playable character." Yes, classic case of miscommunication on your part. "The black/mexican might of been FRIENDS/ASSOCIATES with old guy, but betrayed him for unkown reasons." Seriously, WTF are you reading up there?
  5. A white guy named Albert De Silva? Maybe, if hes from Spain. Wich might explain why some ppl (including me) sense some sort of Latin/Hispanic in him.
  6. l'll try to join again, I just hope my connection is good Monday. Kuz789
  7. Accents aren't genetic. If you grow up around "Americans", you sound American. @Tom Downes No, you're not the only one. My post above yours kinda confirms that.
  8. I said Luis' BROTHER. His rich brother who has children and a divorced wife that Luis banged. As for him being half white, Luis is dominican, and dominicans have white in them. Besides, who confirmed that guy was white? Still looks Dominican to me. There are alot of ppl on this Earth that are lightskined and not caucasian. Ernesto Lopez is the oldest son of Adriana and Mr. Lopez, and the oldest brother of Luis Fernando Lopez and Leta Lopez-Wilkinson. He was abandoned by his father along with brother and sister. Ernesto dislikes Luis, believing that he is drug dealing trash. He moved out of the city and got a family, and a job as an accountant. His siblings dislike him, believing he is a "prick", as he apparently never sends money to his mother and only calls her twice a year. Luis makes fun of his wife as well. He moved to get away from a ghetto, drug dealing life? Has kids aswell. He never sends any money to his mother and is disliked by his siblings for that, so I would assume hes pretty rich. Therefore he might have enough to buy "A big house". And drive such expensive cars. (the black one he was speeding in) It was also revealed by the "RUSH" casting calls (wich may or may not be real) that a McCreary is in the game, wich makes me believe Ernesto bieng Luis' brother, could also be in the game. @Mods This is not a flame post...
  9. Didn't you here Chica? Press the like button
  10. What the shit list would say if it could speak?
  11. Scooters (Not the These... http://www.neoscooters.com/prodimages/GSR29.jpg And these... http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&q=scooter&gbv=2&oq=scooter&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_l=img.12...0l0l0l946l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0ll0l0.llsin. Ooooo I want this bitch... And this one... And these... particularly in Chinatown. Minigame/job maybe?
  12. I still think that the Middle aged guy from the trailer (If hes the narrator) might be Loius' brother.
  13. This is the 3rd time today you beat me to the same exact post Massecure. Knock it off.
  14. I don't really care. I just dialed 361-555-0100 repeatedly anyway
  15. Buying small groceries and keeping them on you at all times so you can regenerate your health whenever would be A good option.
  16. I do not understand why my name (Kuz789) is not on the list.
  17. Naaa, the customization looks to... bland. I just want more car body parts like neons, spoilers, doors, rims, hydraulics, hoods, sideskirts, bumpers etc. Racing using your own custom vehicles online & offline for money or slips should be in aswell.
  18. I was going to mention that, but seeing to how its.. well.. ME, I was pretty sure you would've chewed my head off and shat it out. As you can see im not exactly the most "liked" person on this forum.