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Everything posted by Rayge

  1. Rayge


    I'll definitely get the Infamous: Second Son bundle, that game looks awesome.
  2. Rayge

    XBOX One

    They're just making everything worse
  3. I prefer stuff like this, DJ Premier is probably my favourite producer a long with Pete Rock and J Dilla.
  4. I want a harpoon that can be used to hunt other creatures than aquatic life, such as humans.
  5. Rayge


    Sell some crack on the block! You will make phat staxx in no time
  6. Rayge


    Perhaps it will get bundled with one or two games, usually that happens. In that case you might want to wait for a game you're looking forward to to be bundled with it.
  7. Rayge


    I think the PS4 is deliberately visually similar to the PS2, to remind people of 'the good old days' of one of the best generations of gaming.
  8. Rayge

    XBOX One

    I saw it on facebook, perhaps the grammar and spelling in my post was slightly exaggerated, but I bet it's accurate in most occasions.
  9. Rayge


    These initial perorders don't mention anything about the move. http://www.ibtimes.com/ps4-release-pre-orders-start-now-multiple-bundles-available-gamestop-including-battlefield-4-madden
  10. Somebody, analyse this shit: I'm guessing it's taken from a West to East angle?
  11. Rayge

    XBOX One

    This is going to be the main Xbox argument: 0mg ps4 iz only 4 ppl 2 poor 4 xbox!1!
  12. Rayge


    I love how Sony deliberately targeted the flaws of the Xbox One, and fixed them. Anybody got the specs for the PS4? I know they're already better than the Xbox One, but perhaps they released some new info in the conference that I didn't see.
  13. Rayge


    Will the conference be on youtube after it's done? The Sony one is at 4:45am here, and I'm not planning on staying up for it.
  14. You know what else no one ever talks about? Playstation Home.
  15. Rayge

    XBOX One

    I agree with Massacre, the only game I'd like to play there is Ryse: Son of Rome. Looks fucking great. Another cool concept is the 'Project Spark', where you make your own map and stuff, I usually find creating terrain like that to be quite fun. Can't wait for the Sony conference, I really hope it's good and the price is $500 or under.
  16. I thought so as well, sucks that it's exclusive. I hope Sony has some good exclusives as well. Now it's showing Minecraft... I don't get what's so fun about it, I got bored after about a week of playing it.
  17. Is there an online link to where I can watch?
  18. The new iConsole, only $999! Can run games such as age of empires II at an amazing 30fps! Buy now.
  19. I'll be able to watch the Microsoft conference today, but the Sony Conference would be at 4:30am which sucks Major Press Conference timings
  20. Thanks Smithy, my aerial police takedowns are now higher than ever before