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Everything posted by Rayge

  1. Rayge

    Mobile Devices

    It's only in America where you get it replaced for free (maybe Canada as well, i don't know). Here I have to pay. I might do it if it interferes though.
  2. This is why What I said can work both ways. Deviating from the original plot keeps it fresh and new, even to those who read the comics. However it also has the unfortunate potential to make scenes that are boring as fuck. But once again, what's the point in having the show mimic the series if you already know what happens? Who dies, who lives, who kills who etc...
  3. Rayge

    Mobile Devices

    I try to keep mine in a case but then the WiFi signal goes down really low and sometimes I can't detect it. So when I'm using connection I have the case off, and then leave it on for the rest of the time. I might get a new case though, and test the interference.
  4. Rayge

    Mobile Devices

    Iv'e just got a black one, and here are my complaints: The aluminium strip that goes around the iPhone is a fucking joke. It's weak as fuck, and the paint gets chipped off really easily. I noticed a tiny silver spec just as I took it out of the box, and now I've got a few more. Luckily I've got a case, though. It's too bad the case basically kills both my WiFi and mobile connection. It's not just the case, I've tested it by placing my hand on the left side of the phone, covering it completely. This caused my WiFi bars to drop from 3 to 1. I'm not sure if this was a problem with the previous versions, since I never had an iPhone prior to this. And finally, it makes a tiny clicking noise whenever I click the home button, and it's been doing so straight out of the box. Doesn't really affect me, but it would be nice if it wasn't there. On the other hand, I really like the other features, such as the camera and UI as to me it's familiar from my iPod Touch. And Now I can have my iPod+phone in one device, which is nice.
  5. Does this mean I have to take off my lenses just to play Playstation? It's cool, but I prefer and 0ld sk00l dualshock controller.
  6. What would you do in an open world Breaking Bad? There's not much Walter can do out of secrecy.
  7. What's the point in the series mimicking the events of the comic book series exactly? That would dismantle the sense of suspense and excitement. I get that it's based off of the comic book series, but to be honest I think it's good how they modify it so that it's still new and unseen for everyone, including those who have read the comics.
  8. Dude, did you even play the game? He's not fucking russian. He's from Bulgaria, I was kidding. Highly doubt it, since the languages he speaks are Serbian and to some extent english. But yeah, but in video-game world the whole of Eastern Europe IS Russia.
  9. Didnt try to voice act any of them, just rhymed each verse is my usual vocal style. And the heads are the result of my quick animating animating style. Thanks for checking it out, i greatly appreciate it. Fair enough. You're a pretty good rapper, and the lyrics were great
  10. Dude, just remove the 'm.' at the beginning of the URL. What I don't get is why Michael has the blackest voice ever, and what's up with those heads.
  11. A Death-Row special combo made exclusively by Epic Meal Time with like 500k calories
  12. Same here, I was more excited after the 15th episode with Merle, and was let down with how anti climactic the next (final) episode was.
  13. Bro if you go to Sweden you will encounter like 500 smokers as soon as you step out of the terminal, and everywhere from there on (especially in Stockholm, Gothenburg and other big cities)
  14. It's fairly obvious that the sunglasses aren't a permanent part of his character. Just like how Franklin's bandanna isn't either.
  15. *dubstep drop* It's about time we got a breaking bad game, ala The Walking Dead Let me point out that the Walking Dead game looks like shit.
  16. Yeah, over my years on the internet I've seen quite a few crazy setups. What is that thing sticking out of the can though? I know it's a bowl, but what is it actually?
  17. Not a weed pipe, but it's what I use for the stuff behind it. Do you think it could be used to smoke weed? The bowl might be a little small though. It was like $15 which isn't too bad, but there are a lot better ones.
  18. Well in depth customization is out 'because it wouldn't be suitable for 3 characters' (Or they just can't be bothered to put it in/tech isn't good enough). Crazy cheats like riot etc... Probably won't be in the game either unfortunately. But I'm sure there will be lots of other things to keep us entertained.
  19. Rayge

    Call of Duty

    Wait.... People still play Call of Duty?
  20. How much does a decent bong cost? Or why do I always see pictures of ghetto-ass ones made from cans and shit. Also, what's better? Pipe, joint or bong?