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Everything posted by Rayge

  1. Are you serious? He was kicked out by accident. Spoiler: When he saw the ghost, he started going crazy, shouting 'get out' or whatever it was in reference to her, not the group of people (Although he did want to kick them out in the first place), Herschel was persuading Rick.
  2. SPOILER: ( I guess) The funny thing is the art. typing in 'breaking bad comics' results in hundreds of them drawn in this style, it's pretty funny.
  3. Rayge

    XBOX One

    I think they are fully aware most gamers such as the people on this website don't care much for those gimmicks. However, they seem to be trying to expand their target audience, trying to attract young kids who enjoy that kind of stuff (look at the sales figures of the Wii) and for families.
  4. Rayge

    XBOX One

    Anyway, I doubt the specs of each console will differ so greatly that one will clearly be superior to the other. And personally I don't really care about the exclusive games, as they are good but nothing really special (imo). The features they offer will probably be quite similar as well, as within the last 7-9 years they have probably picked up on what their console was missing, incorporating them into their new consoles. Of course there will be some differences, but in reality I don't give a shit which one has X amount more RAM or a marginally better level of whatever service, as long as I can play games like GTA, RDR, AC and many others I won't be too bothered about the difference. That is why I'm getting a PS4.
  5. r1 r2 l1 r2 left down right up left down right up
  6. Rayge

    XBOX One

    Yes, yes I would.
  7. *Drops phone into sand/grass/other mass of great quantity* *Never finds it because it's fucking transparent*
  8. that's the stupidest shit ever. Why would they even bother releasing it in September if they anticipate low sales on launch?
  9. Okay, let me rephrase it. September seems really late in the PS3s lifespan to be releasing GTA V, I wonder if R* have any tricks up their sleeves.
  10. Rayge


    No backwards disc compatibility? How the fuck will that work for GTA, does that mean Rockstar will develop a game for PS3 and then release another a few months later for PS4? Or one for PS3 that installs on you PSN, and then is accessible via that method on the PS4 (assuming it uses the same PSN).
  11. Rayge


    from 256/512mb RAM to 8GB RAM. Not bad.
  12. I suddenly feel the urge to play Skyrim again, as a nord badass iron clad 2h weilding... badass. It's a shame that the typical dragonborn armor is so weak and quite bad in my opinion. *plays skyrim for the rest of the day*
  13. Rayge


    That looks fucking awesome. That looks like a fake piece of shit excuse for a controller And it still seems to be tiny as fuck, or that guy just has huge hands (probably the first one)
  14. Rayge


    Most likely Agent, and they probably have distant plans for GTA VI. Yeah, i wouldn't mind seeing another RDR though for ps4 The amount of time needed to make a GTA game, i wouldn't be surprised if R* N became a 'GTA developer' only, and leave the other projects for other studios. If they did do that, and had all the free time they wanted for GTA titles... Just imagine It would only be good if they continue with the same hard work and quality as they currently do. Making annual games like CoD or even Assassins Creed now would be a HUGE step back.
  15. So GTA V releases roughly 2-3 months before the PS4. Although the game is pretty much confirmed for current gen consoles, what if they port it to PS4 and update the graphics and etc.. Will PS4 be backwards compatible? I really don't want to buy it for PS3, then about 6 months later buy it again for PS4 just for the updated graphics. And by backwards compatible I also mean Playstation Sony Entertainment Network.
  16. Rayge


    Me neither, but there's no word out whatsoever about a new RDR. GTA VI is almost guaranteed, and Agent was meant to be PS3 exclusive but has been silent for years now, so it's probably coming to PS4.
  17. Rayge


    Most likely Agent, and they probably have distant plans for GTA VI.
  18. Rayge


    I can't see why they included motion sensor tech again, since I'm pretty sure SIXAXIS wasn't very popular, and neither was the PS move.
  19. Rayge


    In my opinion the controller looks.... borderline average. Looks like a fake copy of a real controller you would buy for really cheap, and what the fuck is that white thing in the front? Also, the 'speaker' like holes infront of the PS button looks out of place in my opinion.