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Everything posted by Rayge

  1. if they only have a certain amount of guns you could use at one time it would be cool to be able to put the weapons that you can't carry on yourself in the trunk of the car. Until you realize having a car full of guns is a bad idea while you are plummeting off a cliff, cops shooting at you and bonnet blazing.
  2. I'm gonna run over so many pigs in this game. If you know what I mean...
  3. I doubt they will add cities as DLC, as they would much rather use them in a separate game. I would guess they will release extra missions and characters, like in EoLC.
  4. What the fuck does that bold have to do with anything? Lol. Anyway, they would most likely not spend 8-9 years developing the game, probably another 5/6 years from now, making it 2018-2019. (Just a guess)
  5. SA: 14 GTA IV: 6 RDR: "5.5" = Over 20, unless they have an area the size of RDR as the underwater environment. And even if they do include the area off the coast, it's still part of the playable map since you can now go underwater, so it's essentially the same thing as adding mountains, forests and other above-ground terrain.
  6. Shut up. WHY ? Explain why R* removed ps3 and 360 logos from GTAV homepage after the delay announcement http://www.rockstargames.com/V/ You shut up! It was the Illuminati!
  7. My birthday is also March 30, so I thought I was getting it for my birthday until it was delayed to May, when I just bought it myself.
  8. Because of his retarded stage name and the retarded title of his song, I hope not. I just looked up the song, and I have to agree. It's O.K. by Modern Rap's standards, but very mediocre when compared too better Hip Hop. Personally I'd hope for some better shit then this for the rap station. But I haven't heard a good song in ages, I just hope Rockstar digs up something good. Mediocre?? It's complete shit! Reminds me of Waka Flocka except this guy has an IQ maybe 10 points higher.
  9. Rayge

    World Of Warcraft

    Waiting for holiday where I can actually play, and in the mean time I might as well use my subscription
  10. Rayge


    Me neither, but there are a lot of people that do.
  11. Rayge

    World Of Warcraft

    I don't really play that much for fun anymore, especially raiding since I don't have a lot of time. Spend most of my time earning gold and leveling characters up, just got my DK to 90, making him my 5th character at 90.
  12. When I got ACIII I thought I would be playing it 24/7. Turns out I played for a few hours, and since then been playing about 2 hours every few weeks, since it's quite slow and for some reason it doesn't seem as epic as ACII which is still one of my favourite games ever.
  13. Rayge


    The controller being more than a simple controller won't work so great unless they are made indestructible, due to games that make people literally smash their controllers in rage.
  14. I hate SIXAXIS, espeically when it was an option on your phone in GTA IV that I misclicked often.
  15. I'm no expert, but releasing it only for the new consoles will massively reduce sales won't it? Since not every single person will buy the next generation of consoles immediately.
  16. It's a conspiracy!1!1!!11!!! I thought GTA V was going to be on the current generation of consoles?
  17. But in all seriousness, May/June is late as fuck to be releasing the cover art, especially since it is probably done by now. I know it may be part of the delay schedule, but does that mean there will be NO information until June? Highly doubt that.
  18. It doesn't take much to make you happy, judging from your posts about what you want and don't want.
  19. So if they delay everything to fit together, does that mean the coverart is also 4 months later, making it end of May? Doubt it and really hope not!
  20. So they are behind on every aspect of the game then, even the cover art not just 'polishing' the ingame mechanics.
  21. Does anyone know when the coverart was delayed to? Can't imagine why that was delayed at all.
  22. Heavy rain with actual puddles and water on the street would be cool.