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Everything posted by Rayge

  1. I hope they do, because then there would be disabled people in wheelchairs. And what's more fun than violently beating a vegetable to death with a wooden baseball bat?
  2. I think it's fake, maily for one reason: It attempts to be too much like the picture next to it, with the circled cliff feature and even the plane in the same position. Doubt Rockstar would do that.
  3. Yeah because once they make money, they escape that life. Then they continue to rap about it and how gangster they are, or they have nothing to rap about.
  4. "at all" was in context with 'isn't', because currently, he is not a gangster. At all.
  5. I want GI to give us some 'vital' information, but not give away everything there is about the game, I still want to explore myself and stuff like that.
  6. Isn't, being a key word. No doubt he was a gangster because of the environment he grew up in, but now he has sufficient funds to escape that like (millions of dollars), therefore making him a rapper/actor and not a gangster, although it is a big part of his past.
  7. Alright, guess I'll stay up until the full thing is released. 18 pages... That's a lot.
  8. What time does the magazine release on the 8th? Like at 00:00, or sometime in the morning when the stores open? Personally I hope it's 0000.
  9. The Game isn't a gangster at all, he just pretends to be one to keep his image intact.
  10. I would rather he be a voice actor, in my opinion he's better at that than making music.
  11. I hope Samuel L Jackson is a voice actor in the game, he's awesome. But they shouldn't have too many from SA, or it would feel strange as you recognize the voice as one character from SA, not from V.
  12. I will only be able to see it on Friday At least then the anticipation will make it even more epic. Not even gonna go on the site, first thing I will do when I get home is watch the trailer, full screen
  13. Wow. Last year on the day the trailer was released, I was in the middle of the desert for a school trip. EXACT same thing will be happening this year, because on the 14th I will be going to the desert again, but I'll be back to something awesome on the 16th.
  14. Almost definitely. What is included with it will decide whether or not I'll get it. I think they'll announce it when the plot and characters are revealed, as to not spoil anything before hand. I mean, they haven't even released the box art yet for the normal version.
  15. Thought they could have at least revealed the box art for the game, seeing as it is now available for preorder. Wonder if that will be included in GI?
  16. I hope the trailer was supposed to set up and build hype for the GI article, so it is released within the next 2 days.
  17. Same artwork, but slightly different. Buildings added in the background, since before her arm was on the silhouette of the pier. I'll let someone like Treefitty analyse it.
  18. Is it... 10am now in New York? If the 2nd trailer is to be released at noon, there is still a chance for it to be today. Really hope it is.
  19. I hated how anything and everything knocked you off your bike in IV. Also to me, the bike controls weren't too great.
  20. I think we all know it will be the same as the previous GTA games, only question is the special edition.
  21. There will definitely be some new artwork, because there has been none with a helicopter in it. There is ALWAYS a helicopter in the top left. There will also definitely be a girl on it somewhere, probably middle left, like in 3/4, and of course there will be a car somewhere.
  22. In my opinion the SA HUD was fine, it's not as huge and bulky as everyone seems to be saying with the bar on the top right with the time, money and weapon. I prefer that than having to press a button to see your money and time like in IV, it only took up like... 1/12th of the screen and it's not like it was right in the middle.