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Everything posted by Rayge

  1. Yeah but your 88 isn't only at the end. It's just very common to see people with the years at the end, especially if they are born in the 90's. Anyway: I expect the trailer tomorrow if all the power and stuff is back up. Otherwise I have no idea when to predict.
  2. Were all those e's really nessessary? That's alright, but Comic Sans MS... That's just going too far.
  3. I prefer the actual bar rather than the GTA IV style one. For me, it's just easier to keep track of and see.
  4. Please don't tell me you are 19/20 years old. What if he's 21? '92' at the end of his name leads me to believe he was born in 1992, therefore making it impossible for him to be 21. Unless he is CJ, then anything is possible.
  5. Then they would have to make up a story for each one, or have all the characters so similar that they can fit the same story, which would not be a good idea. It's better to have one in depth character you can connect with. But if there has to be multiple protagonists, their stories should intertwine like GTA IV and it's DLCs.
  6. If peds can parachute.... I will strive to hijack them and take their parachutes off while we both fall. Or just shoot the parachute from the ground
  7. It was such a good point, he had to quote himself on it.
  8. Probably, since they won't want us flying too far out since there will be planes. Or they could be awesome and make you die of 'fatigue' like if you go too far out in world of warcraft. It's more realistic than an invisible wall, imo.
  9. How could the trailer be unfinished if they had planned to have released it already?
  10. Why compare it go GTA IV when RDR is a lot newer and is also an open world game made by the same engine?
  11. I mentioned that before. Maybe there is two piers in Los Santos like there was in San Andreas or maybe they just changed the name. Yeah they might have since the trailer was released 1 year ago.
  12. Wait... It's called Del Perro Pier? I thought it was Pleasure Pier... Hinting towards dogs (like a lot of other things) Del Perro = The Dog
  13. Graphics will be better than GTA IV? You mean the game that was released over 4 years ago, almost 5? No fucking shit.
  14. Yeah it's definitely completed, it's not like they're rendering it or finishing it off, it's probably been finished for a while now, and they were waiting for the 1 year mark to release it, which was fucked by sandy.
  15. Because then the game would be 2 minutes long if you decided to kill the antagonist at the very beginning.
  16. Since it's apparent they were planning to have released it already, they'll probably try to stick to their plan and release it before GI, because maybe the trailer will have some information that GI is dependent on or already based on.
  17. Someone that will make me want to kill them slowly and painfully, like Edgar Ross. Hate that motherfucker.
  18. Possibly, or they have shown us the protagonist and have deliberately shown us many other recurring characters in order to spark speculation.
  19. rape and pillaging all day 'erry day
  20. Japanese? Don't they get GTA games 10,000 years after they are released in the rest of the world?
  21. Manhattan goes down THE WORLD ENDS *The world of Grand Theft Auto* Also it's hilarious how last year if a hurricane or any form of natural disaster occurred, it was jokingly referred to as a sign of '2012'. Now, with just over a month to go, when something happens, no one gives a shit at all.
  22. Yeah they've probably been done with the trailer for weeks now, and were just waiting for the 1 year mark to release it.