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Everything posted by Rayge

  1. What market? A lot of people trust Sony and Xbox, and would rather wait for them to release their next generation of consoles that will be more powerful than the Wii U, in only a short time after. What market? How about the huge Nintendo fan base, or the Xbox or ps3 owners who want to upgrade to a wii u while they possibly wait years for a new Sony or Microsoft console. The majority of the Nintendo fanbase are young children, and those who aren't are interested in classic games like Zelda and Mario, not GTA. That's why I think nintendo would do anything for R* to get gta 5 on the wii u, so they could bring back the core gamer, as the wii u is meant to do Maybe so, as it does have a huge headstart over both the other next-gen consoles. But I'm definitely going to be waiting to get the PS4 rather than the Wii U, and so will most people.
  2. The "spirit of GTA" is crime and having fun. SA included crime, and the most fun in my opinion. More on topic, this is why I love San Andreas over any others: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJv5nbcAT_A I just love the themes, setting and atmosphere included.
  3. They make DLC to make extra money, and DLC like TLAD and TBOGT is amazing. They were almost full games in themselves. It gives you time to fully play main story while the DLC hasn't released, and it's a good seperation of storylines. What's 100% bullshit is DLC for Assassin's Creed. It's pathetic that you have to pay extra for stuff as small as four characters that could easily be included in the base game.
  4. Worst. Storyline. Ever. I SAID AS A FINAL MISSION NOT A WHOLE STORY LINE Exactly that is such a cheesy mission idea, which indicates the story would be the same.
  5. I loved going up to people with bats and knocking them out on the first hit. There should be more melee weapons, it would be cool if you could pick up things off the grounds like cender blocks, 2 by 4's, poles, etc. as well as your enemy could do the same. Yeah you should be able to pick up bricks and beat people with them. But if you can't, then there should at least be a lot more melee weapons than just the 2, knives and baseball bats.
  6. That's a good idea, if you aren't in their line of sight you should be able to hide in objects or dark alley ways without the cops magically knowing where you are. And then you should wait for X amount of time until the stars disappear.
  7. if xbox and ps3 could handle skyrim, then i think they can handle a simple detailed map and interior cut-scene inputs.... The textures in Skyrim were pretty average. Also, Skyrim had no cutscenes. If it's highly detailed, how is it "simple"? This game will definitely be bigger than 5GB. GTA IV took like 14GB on PC, and that's an old game.
  8. More likely that they probably won't be. I doubt they can create a huge detailed, action packed HD city 3x, along with vast countryside and other things such as cutscenes all in "a very big map" all in one game, especially for the consoles ( mostly Xbox)
  9. I would like to see some stealth missions in V, like having to inflitrate a mansion, take out the guards silently and assassinate a boss, or just sneak in and steal something without being noticed. Also I think some missions should be like the thieves guild recruitment in Skyrim. What I mean is you should be able to continue with the mission but in different ways depending on whether you succeed or fail.
  10. That's a bit extreme, I think the reputation of how bad it was is greatly exaggerated.
  11. If there was a project x type party going on I would just throw a few molotovs in there, maybe spray 'em with a dose of bullets
  12. The hit detection or whatever it's actually called should be a lot better. For example, shooting someone in the knee should cripple them, not make them walk away clutching their stomach. As for the physical fighting, I think it was alright in IV, but maybe a little more realistic would be good, and more animations and combos.
  13. Did you enter the GTA V Release Date Competition? Yeah but back then I was a complete idiot and voted 24.05.12 /facepalm
  14. VC: Wildstyle SA: RLS, Playback FM, IV: The Classics
  15. Forgot to mention him, that guy was awesome.
  16. Almost been half a year since the announcement, maybe it'll be time for more once MP3 releases.
  17. A lot of those ideas are just repeats, and a lot don't make sense or are retarded. But some of them seem to be generically what people want.
  18. Almost time to celebrate the 6 month Annaversary of the trailer! I seriously hope we get something else after Max Payne 3 is released
  19. What market? A lot of people trust Sony and Xbox, and would rather wait for them to release their next generation of consoles that will be more powerful than the Wii U, in only a short time after. What market? How about the huge Nintendo fan base, or the Xbox or ps3 owners who want to upgrade to a wii u while they possibly wait years for a new Sony or Microsoft console. The majority of the Nintendo fanbase are young children, and those who aren't are interested in classic games like Zelda and Mario, not GTA.
  20. What market? A lot of people trust Sony and Xbox, and would rather wait for them to release their next generation of consoles that will be more powerful than the Wii U, in only a short time after.