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Everything posted by Rayge

  1. Do you really want me to explain it? OG Loc is the wrong GTA era. Brucie and Roman are more feasible as they are in the correct universe, but Brucie is a prick who I wouldn't want to play as and Roman is a coward so he's hardly likely to be running around killing dozens of Police officers. Now if you'd have said "i'd like to play as somebody like OG Loc, Brucie or Roman." Then that would be ok as it would be referring to a person with the same inherent characteristics as those people. Lol.
  2. story of my life, I hated typing it on my phone. Especially while getting shot, and having to re-enter the phone menu. R1 R2 L1 R2 left down right up left down right up... Those were the days.
  3. The camera in IV was pretty shitty tbh. I would prefer it if you could take screenshots and video-recordings of the gameplay rather than the phone, like the PC had for IV. A Screenshot Mode like in Saints Row The Third maybe? (Please don't brutally murder me for mentioning SR3, I just thought it was a good example of how it should be in V.) I loved Saint's Row, I just hate it when people compare it with GTA gameplay wise. I like the idea of the screenshot thing in SR3 though, it was pretty cool. But it wasn't very developed on the website. But Rockstar Social-Club is well established so it will probably work well, with video and screenshots.
  4. The camera in IV was pretty shitty tbh. I would prefer it if you could take screenshots and video-recordings of the gameplay rather than the phone, like the PC had for IV.
  5. Why did you not just post this in the shitlist, rather than making a whole new topic on it?
  6. Not every game in the world has to revolve around zombies.
  7. Not too realistic, as someone said earlier. How many people in real life get away from the cops? Even with 1 real life star. In GTA IV I got away like 98/100 times.
  8. I would've already killed my wife before that happened.
  9. That made me lol That's why you pull out your Mac10 and blast them fools, while you're playing golf.
  10. Melee combat should be similar to SA in the sense of how there were different fighting styles to be learnt at the gym, like MMA, boxing, shitty street fighting etc... Especially if you could switch between them.
  11. I play on console and PC, but I actually prefer playing on PC. But I will be fine if the game doesn't even release for PC, but that's virtually impossible.
  12. That would actually be pretty cool, especially if you could steal shit from infront of random houses if there's no one there, or if you want just killing the delivery man. But what would you order? Except for weapons, what items are really used in GTA?
  13. GTA is about crime, why would you play a cop? The protagonist can probably call for backup anyway, you know how they always have connections.
  14. I want to see homeless people die of hypothermia outside. And related to that picture, it would be funny seeing hobos with loads of random shit in their shopping carts.
  15. Nah I loved punishing Niko for being a dumbass by going at 200mph into an indestructable rail, watching him fly out the windscreen
  16. Police offices are not people, how could you become one?
  17. Personally Idgaf what phone I have in GTA V. But If I could, I'd have an iPhone.
  18. They had that in GTA IV for PC, if I remember correctly. I would like that idea, especially if there are no good music stations. I like listening to the DJ's speak about random, GTA shit though.
  19. That's the thing. In my opinion, using cheats to complete the story detracts from the story-line. But after the game, or when you're just looking for something fun to do in-game, cheats can be fun to just mess around with. Like the super-punch in TBoGT; that shit is hilarious.
  20. Yeah dynamic gun-fights would be awesome. But one thing I didn't really like in SA was "defend your hood!" It's a cool idea, but whenever it came up I was like "FUCK" cuz it was such a hassle.
  21. It looks like the car in the video is going at 5mph and getting the hood pushed in. Not smashed, but pushed. The crashes in GTA IV were fine, maybe a little more realistic damage would be good, but not like the video.
  22. Well done captain obvious. I think you get that idea from the supposed "30m gameplay" that some guy had, revealing way too many features to have been discovered in 30m.
  23. I was thinking it would be cool if there were newspapers like in RDR, that contain easter-eggs and references to ingame events like murders etc... And random events.
  24. I agree, very poorly worded question. But what gigantic easter-egg could they have in LA? In NYC Statue Of Liberty was obvious.
  25. Yeah I like the idea of celebrity encounters, with the hilarious spoofs Rockstar will come out with I'm sure it will work. Terrorist attacks would probably get the game banned everywhere.