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Everything posted by Rayge

  1. No, they will not reuse the same fucking protagonist. And the point of a new game is to have new characters, not old ones. And finally, CJ, Claude and Tommy don't exist in the same universe as Niko and Packie. I think you are saying this will be the last GTA becase "every GTA character from previous games is in GTA V". That is the dumbest fucking idea I've ever seen, because CJ, Tommy, Claude, Packie and all the characters you apparently saw in the trailer AREN'T THERE.
  2. What are you talking about? Where was the gore in IV? There was none, the worst there was was the pool of blood after being killed....
  3. Like Assassins Creed did? AC was so epic, but then it became annual and started to get worse.
  4. 2015? More like 2025 if the games keep being released every 3-5 years
  5. School shooters are don't get influence from videogames, the parents just need something to blame, and since videogames weren't part of their generation they instantly hate them, so that's what they blame. Probably. If anything, videogames stop people from killing in real life. Why buy an expensive gun and waste energy going on one massacre when you can do it in a videogame countless times?
  6. Considering it's one of the best selling titles in the world and the best selling rockstar franchise, I doubt it will come to an end anytime soon. Probably once new consoles stop being produced, which will also be in a very, very long time, if ever.
  7. Yeah I hope big buildings like airports, banks, clubs, police stations, fire stations etc... are all open for the player to explore, especially the airport terminals.
  8. that is an awsome idea, lol if you were on 6 STAR WANTED LEVEL, i could build a under ground bomb shelter and ill survive the 6 STARS and the nuclear radaition from WORLD WAR 3 .......... JK ....... or am i ----- that is an awsome idea, lol if you were on 6 STAR WANTED LEVEL, i could build a under ground bomb shelter and ill survive the 6 STARS and the nuclear radaition from WORLD WAR 3 .......... JK ....... or am i ----- SORRY FOR DOUBLE POST OR there could already be an up-gradable underground bomb shelter available for purchase. I would rather spend money on a property than wood, bricks, cement, steel, wallpaper, floor, ceiling etc... To build a house that will be nowhere near as cool as a ready made one.
  9. GTA was never exclusive to Playstation it also released on PC (nintendo doesn't release M rated games) and when Microsoft launched Xbox in 2005 San Andreas came out for Xbox the same year and then the rest of the III series followed except for VCS & LCS. Okay let me rephrase that. Once upon a time, GTA was only available on PS2.
  10. Wrong, Microsoft paid $50,000,000 for the timed exclusive DLC's, so NO they don't favor Xbox 360. I was just about to post that... And its gonna happen again! Cos Xbox 360 gets money! They g-g-g-g-get money son! You better get wit that 360 paper son! xD But still my points are very strong, they still made more money with the Xbox 360. No one even has to give it a second thought if they have a decent head on their shoulders, of course its gonna be on the 360. GTA will never be exclusive to anything lol It was PS2 exclusive back in the day.
  11. Well done for stating the obvious. Everyone knows that games perform better on PC and are better graphically. But GTA IV on PC was just a terrible port, I've played it on PC and PS3 extensively and to play it on high settings with a PC, you need a really good computer, and it still lags. On PS3 I've never experienced lag with GTA IV. And regarding the bold, bitch please you aren't the deciding factor between if something lags or not, it takes more than one account of something for it to be fact.
  12. Somewhere inbetween, but I don't want to get a shitty realistic car that can't turn for shit. But I want to get a sweet sports-car and drift through the highway unrealistically.
  13. Most money doesn't come from PC, what the hell are you talking about? And the least copies were sold on PC as well, not PS3. Consoles are ahead of PC's for gaming (not performance-wise, but just sales wise) by far. And why the fuck would they make the game SO much faster on PC so that it would have to be PC exlcusive? That would completely ruin sales.... And it would have better performance if it was PS3 exclusive than multi-platform, have you seen GTA IV on PC? worst performance ever, hopefully they have learnt from their mistakes. And the graphics were limited a lot by the Xbox 360. And also, who said it was PS3 exclusive?
  14. I want the cinematic thing with slow-motion again, that was sick. And an ingame video editor on the console versions.
  15. Considering that he's only had two movie roles, and one of them was uncredited, no you haven't. Ned Luke's a TV actor, and not a very successful one. Unless GTA V makes him famous, this is the biggest role he'll ever have. Owned.
  16. I'm not going to go around threatening Rockstar, or crying about how there is a deficit of info, but I agree to some degree that there has been a lack of information. I know maybe it's to build hype, and to keep people focused on MP3 but still, some legit info straight from Rockstar, like the some characters, things to do, map etc... even in just a regular post is what I want to see soon. If not, that's fine but it would be good if it did happen soon.
  17. I'm gonna buy it for PS3 first, then later on I'll get it for PC. I prefer it on PC, controls and graphics are usually better. I guess it will release a few months later than the consoles, but this time I hope it's better formatted for PC.
  18. Yeah that can easily be included, and it would be awesome with realistic gore and car damage with pedestrians mutilated bodies on your windshield.
  19. Probably the major events of 2011/12.
  20. exploding cars by shooting their fuel tanks, that was something that GTA IV lacked. And more realistic car damage.
  21. the good ol' rampage massacre, but with unlimited ammo, tons of pedestrians and no cops
  22. Yeah because I want to have a 9-5 ingame job sitting in an office working.
  23. Too much gore and the game will probably get an AO rating, and be banned in every country. So I doubt the extreme will happen with "blowing people in half" in HD graphics.