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Everything posted by Rayge

  1. It's what happens when you die in CoD, look at his name, you can instantly tell he is your average teenage Call Of Duty player.
  2. Well your dreams have already been crushed. Don't get your hopes up, the "4x bigger thing" was just a rumor spread around. It might be possible though. It is very likely it will be the largest map ever, and it's definitely "very big" as Dan Houser said.
  3. It's not SA2, ffs. lol, Marcus. @Shot, THERE WILL NOT BE KIDS, ROCKSTAR HAS SAID NO! Also animals aren't proven just yet all we saw was a dog, where did you see firearm attachments in the trailer, I've watched it atleast two hours worth trying to see everything and didn't see firearm attachments, I've even checked the screen caps also and none. I believe he meant when the jewelry heist guys get out of the pest control van. There you can see the guy carrying an AK47 with a suppressor. But that says nothing about scopez nd xtra magz nd lazerz nd dat stuff.
  4. yeah, maybe even like the bounties for dragons/giants in Skyrim, but a little bit more difficult than just going there and killing them.
  5. I don't think blowing people in half and slicing them into little pieces is necessary, but visible gunshot damage (kind of like RDR, but improved) is fine, in my opinion.
  6. I don't know if you know if anything about LA, but LA is not made out of "islands". Terrible idea, I'm not even going to get into the reasons why. All I have to say is this: Sims.
  7. I liked that part, it was hilarious. There is a difference between a bad cop and bad AI, in my opinion.
  8. Theres no such thing as a AK-2 or a ak-14 dumbass. Hop off BF3's dick and pick up a fucking gun magazine before you try acting like you know what your talking about. It's amusing how people who play FPS games think they know everything about guns.
  9. Team Bondi developed L.A Noire, and Rockstar only published it, so they didn't use the RAGE engine in it.
  10. More Gore! More Gore! Not slicing off limbs and smashing brains gore, but visible bullet wounds, decapitation, and more realistic injuries in general, but not over the top. Make this a poll.
  11. Yeah we already established that, especially since the game is based on LA which is full of ghetto.
  12. It's not really graphics from what I can tell, it's more like physics. It looks awesome though, hope it's included.
  13. I don't want to server 30 years of game time in prison for murder, but maybe just 1 or 2 days as a minigame.
  14. IKR, there I am walking across the street, and a random cop chasing an olympic sprinter (50 year old white taxi driver) trips over me, and when he eventually gets up, he tries to arrest me. Or if some random guy starts shooting me, and I shoot back, the cops just start to shoot me for self defense. And being a vigilante in a city rundown from crime is an arrestable offense as well.
  15. Even if Venturas isn't in the game, I hope there's a top-secret government military base in the middle of the desert with all kinds of crazy shit in it.
  16. Get out of your basement then and go live real life. I play GTA to take out frustrations and have fun, not to file taxes and pay for gas. Well to some extent he has a point, I mean when was the last time you murdered someone in real life? Or blew up a car? Or jumped out of an exploding plane? Yeah, filling your tank is a step down from those events, and is quite a weak argument, but still I think I can see kind of what he means. That dumbass would probably want a realistic judicial system, in which the character is sent to jail and must fulfill his sentence, all in real time. Imagine murdering someone and getting a life sentence in the first hour of the game. Game over. But I did like the jail system in Skyrim, especially escaping all stealth-like and shit. You could skip the sentence if you wanted, or break out. But if the sentences are realistic, that would be total bullshit in my opinion, even in game time. But personally I think it would be cool to beat the shit out of every other criminal in the courtyard, and then sleep the rest of your sentence, or just walk around the prison exploring finding ways to escape etc... More like a mini-game.
  17. Yeah I liked how the physics and AI have changed as well, I doubt anyone would want to go back to the physics and graphics of the III era. But the thing about IV was there was so little to do.
  18. What he said. Maybe an Aircarft Carrier off the coast somewhere and flies in jets when you go proper mental in the in a plane or at sea. I wonder if there'll be an Area 51 type place somewhere with a super secret weapon again like the jetpack in SA. Yeah I hope they have an area 51, maybe with secret weapons and vehicles, and of course eastereggs. But I hope it actually has really high security, so it's a challenge to get in. Also a little off-topic, but I want to be able to do stealth kills, with knives and silenced weapons. I just find that stuff fun, especially if breaking in to a place, like sneak in Skyrim.
  19. Yeah I didn't really like how the trains in IV were invincible. I also wish you could have actually been in them, rather than a custscene, so you could kill, rob, climb to the roof etc... Just everyday shit of GTA.
  20. I hope the cops have K9s and there are stray dogs roaming the streets, especially in the ghetto areas.
  21. MW3 was a joke especially the singleplayer, and the target area of play was MP, storymode is just there. But TLAD was pretty fucking amazing for a DLC, but I prefered TBoGT, I never really liked that biker style of life.
  22. Yeah I completed TLAD in literally like 6½ hours. And after the main story there isn't really much to do.