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Posts posted by JamieMilne

  1. it will be the biggest and probably best gta yet, but that doesn't account for the bold new direction statement, neither does adding in old stuff from past gtas lol

    O.K what does bold new direction mean to you? And what do you specifically mean by a more living and breathing city?

    sorry i thought i explained what i meant when i said, about the training schools allowing you to choose your fighting style for the game. the training schools and businesses like - sky diving, since that guy in the viewfinder pic had all the gear on, and with rockstars comment about going to new heights and greater DEPTHS, then i thought maybe theres a scubadiving school too, allowing you to get the suit and stuff you need to go deep in the ocean etc.

    so by living breathing city, i mean more choices that affect the game, more places and shops/schools etc that allow to you choose the way your character behaves .

    i wouldn't class them adding the stuff from san andreas as bold new direction, i don't want to have to feed my character, go to the gym etc, not to bothered about modifying my cars either.

  2. maybe they have created a more living breathing city.

    when i seen that new pic from the view finder key chain of the guy skydiving, i looked at all the gear he had on, and thought maybe, there's a skydiving company/school.

    and after i thought of that i remembered their comment of the heights and depths you can now go to, and thought maybe there's a scuba diving company that allows to you to get the proper suit, etc, and allows you to dive down deeper in the water.

    other buildings could be several different fighting styles training places. so the game allows you to choose how you want to fight.

    just a few ideas. i'm probably wrong lol