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Posts posted by JamieMilne

  1. I'm certain this will be the GI Cover. They'll modify it a little to fit right.

    I have to disagree... Have you seen a recent gameinformer cover? None of them are cartoony like this one besides thier South park cover story. but hey you might be right. Only Rockstar and game Informer know....

    'Anna Rex' is a clothing store found in previous games set in LC. Just thought I'd say that, in case no one else has.

    But its not a store you can go in, right?

    it isn't GI that draw the characters again for their cover, as far as i was aware anyway. they'll be given images from rockstar to use for the cover. so the cover varies depending on every game's art style..

  2. surely some of those are trolls, or random's i didn't think there was 300 active members on here, theres usually like 10 of us at most in a multiplayer game. might i suggest a little spring cleaning of the crew nearer gta v's release, so people who want on the crew can join lol.

    I wouldn't say rockstar's weak point is multiplayer, I enjoyed, GTA IV's and Red Dead's. Just something about Max Payne's multiplayer is off for me.