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Everything posted by DiO

  1. after the luxor trip kill took this old skooler 34 truth only has pics from 9 days ago so he has nothing. big boss and bmx dont either. i checked
  2. your chick looks like the dude in your sig
  3. Took pic today. nothing special. keep expecting awesome ones like yesterday. heres some shit Otiz's failed assassination attempt on Kuz while he was entering his garage
  4. New shit me and hardsauce new gesture here are all my photo merges http://imgur.com/a/7YWRR
  5. Good luck making next weeks banner bones. gonna have a hard time chosing what goes in it so many good ones
  6. When GTAGrl steps away for a few minutes (didnt blow them up) Underwater adventure dead bones sub surfing with otiz and gta. i join in Fuck the Ocean. I have some merges to post tomorrow. ill go ahead and put those in the snapmatic thread likely.
  7. PORN rockstar is starting to delete pics. I may start attaching them
  8. Patriot won My Buccaneer Parker's sabre here they both are
  9. ahaha I meant it's good to have a lot of pics that day. they will get noticed. we will get likes. not that it is going to be laggy
  10. I have no idea. Maybe he saw I had multiple photos that went viral. or that I make good emblems
  11. GTA and the social club will be very busy the day it comes out. they will still be looking into it but it will die down by the next monday. if enough people feel like meeting up at 6 on the tuesday anyways i think it could be fine. rather just have it tuesday tho. gotta attention whore out our photos
  12. I saw we push IGTA night to tuesday for the pack. rockstar will be looking for pics the first night. we only need a few of the new stuff in there. Everyone can fork over some money for a new suit. 10 grand at most. some struggled to have 10gs for a bike last week. but honestly, fuck off. you can do roof top rumble at your will and earn 18gs in 5-10 minutes. we can do them together the night of if its a problem
  13. For IGTA nights, yes. We play our own created content a lot. people want their missions played. I put them in. the races and deathmatches. Meanwhile i honestly prefer the capture modes. it will make our playlists more varied. and they have controlled spawn points. The biggest thing I hate about deathmatches is cocksuckers spawning behind you. It happens in gta, it happens in COD. The problem if FAR less of an issue in capture modes.
  14. No shit. That is why I was annoyed it didnt come with vday massacre. Im bored of the standard missions meanwhile co-op is my favorite thing to do
  15. how would this be different than any other igta night?
  16. ya, the prison thing would go better when the mission creator is out anyways.