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Everything posted by DiO

  1. fanboy's ass Kuz's boobs IGTA Fellatio Intruder with dup gta grl in Alamo seamen Ace's funeral when im drunk. didnt even have the filter on. it was just distorted Ghost and ace cant post pics right now from ghost from ace
  2. mix of new and old from evreyone http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/playlists/playlist/bxUAL7gVqkORwPDy9viPAA
  3. Well didn't expect the stock look to win but I thought that cool paint job would do a little better lol. and now for something...different. browsed the recent pics on snap matic. This gem comes from kingyk74. The blue on the blue rims topped with the dollar signs on this infernus, clearly shows us that this random has no fucking taste at all I believe this is a Primo, correct if im wrong. What I know is this ugly piece looks like the owner painted the car to something that would suit the joker. The username genki-jg298 and the purple make me think this dude should go back to playing saints row.
  4. ya that was me trashing wiggin's cheetah Otiz's new chick and her vag wiggin fuckin shit up
  5. took way more than me more bus tours cargobob tour house party MOAR bus tour MOAR cargobob tour
  6. sounds good i fucked that list up accidently anyways. ill have one made tomorrow
  7. Entity XF barely wins. now BAGGERZ CFO's bagger. Whities. More of a chopper MiEn! Forest green matte with a blue pearl and not my plate lul Kept the metal compartments for the plate which go better with the stock look so there you are. two very different baggers
  8. http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/playlists/playlist/_Bm0aJjArEKYZdkCnFhDZQ playlist mostly dup cause i wanted to try things i havent played yet. lacking new jobs. that and i know dups are good.
  9. dup makes a good point. otiz says tho is he will make a 2nd dude it will be on xbox me, otiz and kuz in our bus journey Kuz pooped. You can SEE the odor train attack
  10. great shoot today. Turned out really good. I hope these do go viral http://rsg.ms/LnE6Ek
  11. GTA Paintball PLAYERS 2 to 4 TEAMS 1 to 2 DESCRIPTION A small paint ball like arena. Pistols Only! http://socialclub.ro...Yw?platformId=2
  12. Ya and no. The first trailer said some shit about unlocking new missions and meeting new characters. but it didnt say there was some kind of in depth storyline
  13. I get where you are coming from and agree to a point but this is why me and bones can enjoy it more than you. Because we do. Everyone is different.
  14. It's a social thing That's why I played Skate 3 so much
  15. ahha I have to agree randoms suck. I never play in public. Also I havent bought a CoD game sing the first modern warfare. I still find it fun, just I guess not as much as others. I was a counter-strike fan. That had no story at all. Just gaming man. Also, they only time I do death-matches is pretty much IGTA night. Maybe 1 or 2 through the week. I get sick of them quickly. but I like giving feedback on ones created by friends. The parent thing as just to have people generate a face based on presets. A lot of video games use this method. I figure it has to be easier to develop than a full of facial feature with sliders for nose eyes ect. like skyrim has Play missions for the sake of gameplay, and co-oping with friends. They are getting a tad stale but the mission creator is going to take care of that. Im not sick of it
  16. Well I completely disagree. Call of Duty's miltiplayer has no storyline and they make millions off that every year. its run around and kill each other. GTA is run around and kill each other, plus a fuck ton more of shenanigans that isnt possible in CoD. It's interacting with other players, shooting the shit, and having fun. I can see why you'd have less fun cause you never use a mic. If story mode was more fun, then more people on my friends list would be more active there rather than online. but that's not the case. I'll admit it was just as much and the mission were more engaging the first time thought but the story is over. So for me, GTAO is it. Also playing your created missions, and ones friends have made is really awesome. They need to expand the creator. That would be number 1 in my books.
  17. Nah, being in a lobby and fucking around with friends is fun as hell. GTAO doesn't need a story. I sure as hell didnt expect one. And its still beta. QD is just mad he isnt rich anymore. Ya money is a grind but if you're going to be playing the game for years you will eventually have all you need. I had 6 moded cars and an apartment with almost 1 million saved up before car duping and give cash. It's fully possible to make enough money over time. No one has a right to bitch about their hack money going away. They sure as hell spent more than they've earned so thats that. Call it a hackers starter pack
  18. DiO

    $1B Bounty?

    I checked the profile of Kuz, Ace, IKILLYOU, Big1Boss and some others. They all had their money taken Not all of it. Most had around 500,000 rather than the hundred millions to billions they had before. dat hack money be gone
  19. fuckin crazy man. maybe its a feature of some DLC some randoms. murdering ace and a rebel ace couldnt store in the garage. lost that with the rat loader
  20. havin some fun with my emblem and the meme text. not bad. could do better but id need some help getting a pibwasser truck and driver http://rsg.ms/1cmEOqP
  21. nice some fucker did a good job on that IDK, thought this was funny
  22. Naw dude I saw Ace hurling fists at ghost and others. We wheren't in the right area and no cameras up. it was out of no where. I didn't feel like wasting more time. like i said its not the first time. getting people to not move is hard enough. What am I? the master of the pics? if yall wanted to carry on you could have. I was done however.