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Everything posted by DiO

  1. Why dont we do this? and promote our crew? There has been some talk about it among people and I understand some want to keep it just news. But rockstar themselves are doing it on their news wire. and they verify some mediocre jobs. I think we could get some actual good ones out there. Serisouly, a few jobs shared once a month. Rockstar seems to be doing that and the crew cut even more often
  2. me and ikillyou tried. doesnt get too much better than that. its fucking hard
  3. Faggio airing over a sandking http://rsg.ms/19RUurG Stinger with no back http://rsg.ms/19RUvM9 Attempt to load up the cars. didn't go well it glitch out for no reason. just starting flopping all around http://rsg.ms/19RUHuP http://rsg.ms/19RUF6m
  4. couple from tonight one ikillyou got of me eating shit off the ramp
  5. not sure if ill make it tomorrow. i just got a freelance graphic design thing to do. rush job. restaurant opens in a few days heres the playlist ive made if someone wants to bookmark it http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/playlists/playlist/CywjjetEVUapHtW8PKEmBA
  6. hha I dont feel the joke it old yet. just saying it instead of "fap" or "jerk off" its a whole new werd
  7. that's not a bad idea. I put nuff time into the jackal tho, I wont be coming up with anything else. could change it up right now and use the jackal bones made. might feel more fresh
  8. ya no doubt. you'd rather go back to the boring text?
  9. dustin' the fuzz the race in zancudo is a bit too tight and some of the checkpoints need changing. the first jump going in. i hit a poll, didnt make it in, flew over the fence and somehow blew up. I respawned on the gate's roof/awning thing. tried to drive off. didnt clear the front gate. flipped over. had to roll over and backtrack to try the jump again. and getting inside it far too tight. the wanted level is enough. Hit ANOTHER pole (yes, i like hitting poles apparently. lets get that out of the way. ) on the way out. got stuck behind the ramp there. couldn't back track down the one side cause the ramp is in the way. couln't take the other gateway to the to swing around the main area because it was blocked by like 20 crusaders with military in them. got shot and died to much of a struggle. use the large ramp that is already in the fort at the end of the run way. way easier. and bikes can use this ramp too awesome concept tho. some changes and it will be awesome upstream struggle its fucking awesome chainski trial its fun and hard like the other crawler. idk if theres anything you can do but on a lot of the respawns in checkpoints you get completely fucked over. just respawn and start sliding backwards down a mountian.
  10. some more lulz from armless otiz in the vault of a northern bank. Stuff bank brawl
  11. filter with heavy fog. i didnt even put a bordre on this. idk how that vignette popped up. maybe part of the filter.
  12. ya its a blast. And Dodgems actually works as a death match. Played a quick 5 minute with few people. has 7 in. one team pinned a guy down and they were grinding his sub. it blew up and counted as one of the opponent killing him. mine got beat up enough I couldnt move. rudder wasnt working like how airplanes get fucked up. bailed and swam for a new one.
  13. Cognoscenti weeeeens Next Ace's Buccaneer VS robs stinger gt
  14. I can do the playlsit again been looking at the new jobs a lot adding them to game
  15. played dust devils with dup and some others. dups map. fuckin awesome lol BF injections and sticky bombs new one from me Minigun Fun http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/z0dB_ile9kiNEbffBleNNA?platformId=2 PLAYERS 2 to 16 TEAMS 1 to 2 DESCRIPTION Trapped in the parking lot with miniguns.
  16. random one of dup landing my new crew emblem edit IDK why but I find face close ups funny lot goin on here
  17. DiO

    GTAO Wishlist

    better match making. trying to fill up a lobby with auto invite is a fucking joke. shit doesnt work
  18. Sesh the Sisyphus http://socialclub.ro...1A?platformId=2 BMX race at the Sisyphus Theater. Hop along through the checkpoints to victory! Sesh the Square http://socialclub.ro...7w?platformId=2 BMX Race around the Legion Square. Tread Carefully. There are many obstacles you must bunny hop! Really like making BMX races. very forgiving in what location you use with the bunny hop. and the fact they have a minimum distance lower than motor vehicles.
  19. pictures still have the black bars tho gta wont stretch the image. plus with that ratio with no HDMI cable just looks like utter poop aces character would look all stretched out