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Everything posted by DiO

  1. love the new filters... heres a black and white photo.
  2. the max health difference fuckin bull-crap tested with ace. my lvl 30. his lvl 91-ish. firing the AK at one another. same distance. Ace took about 20-25 shots. I took 8-10 Die pretty much twice as fast. ridiculous.
  3. bit with ace and ghostman with the new xmas gear car stuck didnt work
  4. haa ya it was pretty mad gotta tell some of those skatefluckit dudes to sign up here
  5. this turned out pretty good http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/a06IALFlMUS6xXwr7n-l-Q?platformId=2 Subway Showdown PLAYERS 4 to 16 TEAMS 1 to 2 DESCRIPTION Closed off area with lots of cover. BEST AS A TDM
  6. ya the vault pic is up to 63. peeps diggin it my pics. not sure if they are good as bones' '' '' found a new thing to get shocked on. this bit seems a bit stronger even
  7. Rebel without a Cause Dirt Track and Rebels. 'Nufff Said. http://socialclub.ro...jQ?platformId=2
  8. fuckin crazy maan random shit bones doing a burnout in his xmas gift from BMXOG was waitin for bones to jump over with the sun looking epic. didnt happen but heres the sun
  9. hearse won Battle of the main characters' cars Bodhi - by someone..... Tailgater - PS fanboy's Buffalo - massacre's
  10. naw lol the ball isnt synced with everyone. bones saw it still on the hut he drove a bit and it just rolled out jumped my truck floating kuz tried to jump my truck breaking in fallout tribute - i say upvote http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/snapmatic/myphotos/photo/_7WfrUW0gU2DQJ2zhylYFA i glitched into this barn
  11. DiO


    added idk if we will be playing much. he's all into this now. i dont have it yet. ignore the shit voice over lol. Probably just one of the devs. "nah we dont have to hire a voice actor, ill do it.' but ya, he says its way more intense than minecraft. IDK if ill get it just yet. wait for a sale. but ya what are these mods you speak of?
  12. ya man randoms are fucking stupid. so much easier racing them than it is you guys lol. you all actually know how to drive
  13. ill try that. thanks for the tip for shooting, survival man. so many enemies to kill. good RP and cash too also, the shooting range. you can do those online
  14. HELL YA MAN. ill ask the new IGTA crew members (my fluck it buddies) if they are down
  15. moar. Making races is less of a pain in the ass than deathmatches National Park Program http://socialclub.ro...sg?platformId=2 Race through the foothills of the Senora National Park...but not on foot its atv/shanchez or if u pick suv's its park ranger grangers. Hippie Fest http://socialclub.ro..._Q?platformId=2 Come together for a race of peace and love! interesting vehicle choices for this one. that's all im saying Tug Job Tug Around the McKenzie airport until you reach a happy ending http://socialclub.ro...Sw?platformId=2 First though was air tug only. Tho if u pick the utility class its that. but i gave some more options as well. they're a bit slow and the race is neat This was a pain. a lot of testing but its pretty cool Land Hop Race the shallows of the Alamo Sea! Will you cut across the dirt or drive around? Is every ramp worth taking? http://socialclub.ro...ow?platformId=2
  16. gotta give it to GTA. Play it way more than anything else. maybe fallout 4 is most anticipated tho. only cause I know fuck all. GTA DLC I know its coming and im enjoying what they got now so i can wait
  17. DiO

    GTAO DLC Topic

    forget the map tho just go to online, jobs, host job the new categories are there tired to go in one but it said we didnt have enough players
  18. ahha ya you left it sitting there. pretty good parking job actually
  19. went mad, created a bunch of races. Some harder than others Noticed people place checkpoints on corners. thats a mistake. Try placing them before or after. allow racers to cut corners. makes it more interesting and less annoying Tried to make these hard but realistic enough. Hope they have a rockstar made feel. Not easy, not crazy. Grand Senora Express Tour http://socialclub.ro...RQ?platformId=2 Make you way through the Grand Senora Desert. See such landmarks like Senora National Park then stop off at You Tool! Dockyard Drive http://socialclub.ro...Ig?platformId=2 Tight turns through the obstacles provided by the docks! Drive carefully. Dockyard Dash http://socialclub.ro...Aw?platformId=2 Up the boat and between the containers. Squeeze you way through to victory! The Sandy Shores Shuffle http://socialclub.ro...JA?platformId=2 Do the Sandy Shores Shuffle! Dart through the town but be careful of tight turns. Short cuts are key to victory Not for the originality award.Only one that is pretty obvious but I didnt see anyone here making it. I'd like to see how it plays out. Take Off Turn Around http://socialclub.ro...jA?platformId=2 Drag race style run around the sandy shores airport