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Everything posted by DiO

  1. just mod one in story to find out very epic tag that shit IGTA
  2. Bones, if you see IKILLYOU online, should get him in
  3. haa epic fight club super secret super dune buggy RIP PMS? dafuq Bonesy and gtagrl Sunbathing
  4. The logo is invisible for me untill I bought it. I check the jackets, locked. but ill look again so I spent the 10 grand on a logo. Switched crews. the emblem was gone. and i had to pay another 10 grand to get it back. the emblems officially dont stay. I think its R*'s intention that once you pay that heafty sum, its free from then on. But it probably glitched. If you have to pay 10 grand everytime you switch crews and they meant it to be like that. fucking hell.
  5. IDK, its not a bad lookin car. And for what it is it mods up nicely.
  6. Coupes - Prarie vs Schwarzer! Very interesting match here. Similar mods with similar pearly paint jobs. Might be my favorite pair yet. Both lesser recognizable cars too. Prarie Schwarzer
  7. that and people know to expect it on friday. that's good social media practice dude when the likes turned into their own pages for posting and a lot of people started using the pages to post random shit all the time, I unliked a lot of stuff ya man, we were landing back and front flips off that jump. and perfect 360s. pretty epic
  8. maybe. didnt have igta active. and everyone in those pics are my budies from skatefluckit.com. not here that's why they do so much bike stunts. they're skate 3 fans
  9. epic stunt sesh bashed in the copter. lost control next attempt got stuck
  10. more electroshock fun bones's boobs floating stuff
  11. I have a meeting. So I'll be hours late. but if peeps are playin later in the night Ill be on
  12. seriously, anyone up for 1. suv and 1. sedan ______________ edit round over Entry from Ghostman and others "Hi Dio I would like to submit a car however it has not be done in LS its even more custom. Grey stole the cruiser, Ace did the mods and I photographed it. Front doors removed to aid in officers being able to get out quickly to arrest the reprobates. Bonnet removed to aid in cooling the big 3 Litre Turbo engine. Thank you for looking at our entry. Kind Regards Ghostman" Cop car http://prod.cloud.ro..._LokxhQ/0_0.jpg http://prod.cloud.ro..._Gnsadg/0_0.jpg Weeny wins however. It was Dio's (mine) http://prod.cloud.ro...krlthBw/0_0.jpg didnt know who would face off against this of if they even expected me to put it up in a match. happened to have some fucked up car pics myself so here we are. if u sick of me being in the polls, submit your facking cars looking for a suv and sedan. any submissions will be nice tho. a beach bum match would be awesome. Take some shots of ur new beach mobiles.
  13. buddy from fluck it has some nice photo merges http://www.flickr.com/photos/107325827@N06/ larger version in the link
  14. true cant even put the emblems on jackets to my motivation to have one is VERY low might test out tho. see how long it stays. see if i have to buy it every time. i say if u buy it for one type of clothing, say the largest logo on the front of a normal shirt. It should be free for the front of your shirt from then on. got reports you'll pay 10gs each time. way to steep ill let you all know what I experience doing this
  15. totally. the number of krotch rockets vs normal bikes it way high seems theres plenty of room for more.
  16. A large mission orientated story mode with the biker theme is unlikely a small update like the beach bum, mainly clothes and new bikes, with a biker theme, Ya i see that coming .There are so many crews with the MC theme I dont think rockstar will ignore it. and ya, I'm done with having crew emblems on clothes. I heard you have to buy it every time. If u change ur shirt, it will be another 10 gs. Also heard they still disappear
  17. DiO

    Metal Gear Solid 5

    looks awesome man Heard they got kiefer sutherland to do the voice of big boss. http://www.theverge.com/2013/9/25/4769242/hear-kiefer-sutherlands-take-on-snake-in-metal-gear-solid-5-intro Havent been following this topic, most probably knew that. Crazy to have such a big name in it tho
  18. ha idk we need someone with a PVR to record the crazy shit tho.
  19. Left and came back. IKILLYOU stayed near my npc character while he was talking around. some pics of me fighting me. stand on the transformer and you get electrocuted jumping to our death .
  20. surprised ur started a new character so early in your other character my friend wiggin was car driving on water the sail boat....now has sails. flap in the breeze. looks amazing [/notmypics]
  21. buzzard in garage is pointless anyways finally did this. garage changes a LOT but this is what I have for now