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Everything posted by DiO

  1. My buddy wylderhoads doing some stunt flying in a titan. he didnt crash even lol pretty good pilot edit heres one from fluck it. the location and pic is so cool it almsot doesnt look like gta
  2. ok, one at a time it is. bones wins the first round.
  3. kay, not sure if this is going to work if you already have voted, can you vote on the second question? if not ill have to do the polls one at a time. i know if i was voting but I nulled
  4. no its my dick tater trophy. cause you know, ran fml. didnt enter. declared myself the winner. dick tater. dictator. dick dictator. irony get it?
  5. get over yourself an infernus is a great car. but we have ALL modded one and its obvious. Scooter brothers is an inside joke and we are voting for that. not popularity. if bones did a fuckin adder and other dude did something obscure. i'd support obscure. and this comes from someone who hit null.
  6. didnt know where to post this made this. think we should rock it some time if not ill make it my own emblem for my crew for the lulz if peeps want to join http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/shirt_lulz
  7. Cause its not that fast. tops at 165 Cause its not that fast. tops at 165
  8. newbies will still vote for the obviously choice of an infernus tho cause.... .........OMG LIeK SUPERCURR!!
  9. kay i need to acquire Obscura's discography on another note....this lmfao this too
  10. I null'd cause im organizing this and all that but.... SCOOTER BROTHERS FOR LYFE
  11. DiO

    GTAO Real Estate

    ya im saying that beach bums DLC should come with houses...on the beach
  12. kay why the fuck can some put emblems on their jacket, others cant lame
  13. those turned out sick fuckin up my ride Cap'n Bones reporting for duty
  14. It involves 2 goats, a virgin, Massacre and a midget. Totally worth the pain and torture.
  15. Ill just have them within this topic. I believe I can just edit and add polls. I'll likely not keep the polls up too long to move on to the next.
  16. I just assumed you would participate in this contest because your such a social out going person..... oh, and for those who dont know how the themes is going to work for the next round. im going to make a list of a bunch. and ill randomize the list. the 6 at the top will be the themes for the next round
  17. Only supercar im getting is the Bullet cause the ford GT has a touch of old school in its design. It's a good looking car. Other than that, fuck them. I'll post pics of my cars when I get my 10 car garage on the go. right now I have Daemon BF Injection Sandking XL Ruiner Merrywether Mesa and one more car im not at liberty to disclose. I'll show yalls when she is done
  18. ya ur had to pm me your car bracket is up. ill start the first match up tomorrow probably noticed WAY less people came through with their car than they said they would.
  19. how you guys makin so much money fawk lol if i didnt mod up low end cars id have shit like that. spent about 900 thou on that shit. i love my garage tho edit some of you played with IKILLYOU yesterday. Heres one of his pics. The dudes from skate fluck it are way into doin BMX stunds. this pic is pretty awesome me with a couple fluck it dudes