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Everything posted by DiO

  1. kay, shits closed. gonna make bracket
  2. Barlow's new gig. his harmonies with the high notes in the back are fucking awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pSKhXp_Hfs and....new powerwolf? lmfao so cheesy they kick ass
  3. ya same. wish i can get that shit on jackets tho. gah JFK left but his character was still there, just walking around. heres dup smashing him with a hammer Dup and his new logo Gave dup my pink MG. Im hoping he keeps it cause i gave it to him tho he doesnt have it unlocked. hopefully. we shall see Also, when Dup left, again. dude was still there. so i took care of him
  4. ha thanks. The idea for my crew is its not really a crew for crews sake. gonna change the graphic often enough. probably usually band stuff. if anyone wants to join it feel free if they want a random band shirt. forgive the stupid name lmfao. Didnt really care about that. Just wanted to get makin graphics http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/shirt_lulz but ya, Im just makin shirts for the lulz
  5. I wan't it as a sig. That's how fucking perfect it is how you unlock emblems for leather jackets? I could use them from the get go. Pay $100 and you got it, you can equip and unequip whenever. for me it says their locked. dafuq
  6. ya dude, its called the lone wolf. level 50 unlock or so. sick shots man. good playin' how you unlock emblems for leather jackets? more fun with me and analog Analog and Darius DJ (from skate fluck it) around my BF Some ped bashing Analog's new look....fuckin creepy as hell BMX dive After he left his dude was there still as a ped or something. so i killed him
  7. ya i heard about your underwater walking. thats fucking awesome reverse-jesus
  8. There's one lower than that... Geritol Gentleman! LOL these are just variations of fine gentleman. Newer members wont know but Fine Gentleman is an inside joke on the forum from YEARS ago when Psy put in word filters for the lulz anytime someone typed QD, it changed to Fine Gentleman. Backstory, therefor, Fine Gentleman wins GTFO Loc is good too and maybe fuck ast
  9. haa ya heres my buddy dave's mr game and watch shirt i made him and he got some close ups of me, in a totally hetero photo shoot kinda way.
  10. ooooooooohhh, your rayge. cool lol i was wondering who from the forum that was
  11. pic of dup taking a pic while im in a titan Flattened by the titan. front rim gone completely Dup getting the back open to drive a car in. this didnt end well Car blew up. u can see up inside the titan at the back being squished by the back door
  12. played a bit with darth handsome Saw my first tranny
  13. haha that BMX one is sick With my buddies Wylderhoads and Defiant one drunken stumble pic left the server in a cargo bob. came back right away and i was inside it '' Lettherebedave during a survival Bone's scooter adventure
  14. Im gonna hold on to it untill i find out if you need the expensive apartment to plan heists. if you do thats bullshit. I love the location of my current one but what can ya do. planning heists shouldnt matter were you live, just what level they let you do it at.
  15. waited long enough due on monday, the 14th you got the long weekend. git'er in
  16. DiO

    Giving cash

    Last time I gave cash it was a split from a job. That was days ago. It's constantly saying im unable too. I've never gave a cash gift yet. must be glitched
  17. IDK. if we are ingame next time i can place a hit on you if you want. just pay be back the money lol played with dup a bit found a good spot to beat the railyard survival. it might be easier then the boneyard after all
  18. DiO

    Giving cash

    no fucking idea why but it seems I can never do this. It always says I am unable to give cash Tried many times in different servers. Anyone know what is up?
  19. DiO, do you remember which mission you acquired this from? I am certain there isn't a spawn location for this. get someone to call merrywether to attack you. fucker will roll up in one. then u can steal it. it'll cost that person 7500 tho
  20. lol bones my pants glitched too i was wearing the pink ones the whole time this is analog killing himself. for some reason the gun didnt show in the pic Analog's faceplant creepin' Scooter Brothers (and sister) weirdly close to face and just cause analog's got buried
  21. should have made your crew car a faggio like me we all gotta get one and roll up on niggas in hot pink scooters. SCOOTER BROTHERS 4 LYFE ps buddy from the skate 3 community is taking some cool BMX trick photos. heres one. neat idea