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Everything posted by DiO

  1. ....7 cars? as for how long you have, to be determined. NO ONE has PM'd me their cars yet for the first rounds. I want the first round pics from everyone before i start. So I can make the bracket. and so i know who will actually follow through with this. No offence to the newbiew that signed up, im not confident those with under 50 posts will even check back in this thread.
  2. some random logos /\ this restaurant...heres their logo
  3. they kinda did shit like this in the 20s, it was illegal. and it caused the stock market crash
  4. for some reason i thought it dropped lol. what ever. I didnt have a lot of invest in the first place anyway. best was with mike. went in with 1 mill im sure they will organize a spike again when i beat the game. only a few missions left i think
  5. recently I played tiger woods golf. the gta golf is very similar. not AS in depth but pretty close. They did a good job on it.
  6. I thought it was going till 10 tonight. should have sold last night.
  7. I decided opening round will be open the rest wont PM me your car pics
  8. And a new GTA myth hunt begins. The Crazy 8 killer is in the mountains, guys. Go find him. its probably just trevor...i mean \/ moded Tracey's car. bet she will like it. did it to see if it stays modded parked at the house found a radio station safety first. like a true city worker, he looks stoned
  9. editing keeps fuckin up the code in my post. IDK whats going on. anyways think of it, 19 already. fuckin how many cars will be posted, and how big the poll will be. and people will vote for themselves. the voting will be way to close. added people for future shows. i thnik it will work The Los Santos Customs Car Show #1 Theme: Open (Any car you want, just for the first one to kick things offf) Participants: Ayreon Barrybran SpittyTheDude StillJustMe RParker99 DuPz0r Massacre Ku Zi Mu gmt TheAnalogKid2112 Participant cue for future competitons: Brian Ace Of Spades bOnEs Clutch PhishFood2013 TJN94 DuffMan TheBrownGuy QDeathstar
  10. im taking that as an entrance whether you like it or not
  11. Current Poll: Donks Dio more pics: http://www.igta5.com/forums/topic/4296-best-donk-competition/?p=189329 Bones more pics: http://www.igta5.com/forums/topic/4296-best-donk-competition/?p=189369 Gtagrl moar pix: http://www.igta5.com/forums/topic/4296-best-donk-competition/?p=189384 ***OP*** So back in the GTA SA days at the GTA forums (the BIG fucking forum) they had "pimp my ride" competitions. People would mod cars, post pics of them and the dude who make the thread would pick a winner. He must has had a god complex or something. Controlling as shit. This is going to be done in a poll. Everyone will vote for the winner. Each contest will feature a theme. So not all the same cars will be up every time. And also fuck the name pimp my ride, and fuck that show. NEW RULES - 2016-03-22 1. Post as many pics as you want, I will only feature 1 of each car here in the first post but link to the rest. 2. Post at least one normal, centered, NO filter picture of your car. 3. Must be within theme 4. People will vote on the favorite. 5. Just post your pics in the topic hot linked so I can copy and paste the url. No attached images. That will be a pain in my ass. 6.No selfies. I don't give a shit what your character looks like. 7.vote for yourself. i'm not kidding. they will cancel out each other. that way we know its fair. and if you don't well than your an idiot. 8. Take some nice photos as well. A separate poll will be created for best photos.
  12. wtf happened to my post. lets try this again how the fuck? so gta's garage system is still shit. lost this used this car in a mission. went fine. had it as mike after it. next time i turn to mike hes sitting on a bench at the beach. no fucking car in sight. like...why would there be NO car? went to his house and garage, not there. ya i know what is what the impound is for. havent checked that yet. but still that shit should go into his garage straight away. fuck having to go to the impound. such a pain in the ass. rockstar almost had it right. also, when u buy a car, it should return. it doesnt. pretty gay
  13. Dude, what? ya i pooped a bit when i saw those did up cars for mike. brushed aluminum and dark blue. i colour coordinate. im gay like that. with trev there i did american muscle. mikes are more varied. a classic, a super car and an off roader. theres one more but im saving that for later. analog hooked me up with a plate. thanks BBE <3 some for frank. orange and black betch did a pimp mobile too. dont think im gonna keep it. doesnt look custom enough "iced out" rims tho also found a random trashed tank
  14. bought ls customs. went mad customizing for free. car swapping between characters too. ya i could have waited till im rich but fuck that ps all my fucking pics look squished. cause i play on an SD tv?
  15. o shit eh. i hope assassin missions do me better ill invest in piss right now lol
  16. what stocks you play to get so rich? after the assassin shit if i feel i dont have enough i think the air emu/ fly us is the best bet blow up planes SLOWLY reduces their stock. attack one, buy their stock. then attack the other. i plan on buying a tank to do this so it should be easy enough
  17. maiden and megadeth....holy fuck thats an amazing line up
  18. when are you going to answer these questions?
  19. haha ya man my trev looks the same. handle bars, love fist shirt and a mullet. doesnt get any better than that
  20. i fucked up tinkle and 2 assassin missions waiting for the last heist to do them. any idea how much ill have after the last mission then assassin missions as long as i can buy the expensive properties between my characters ill be fine