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Everything posted by DiO

  1. edit that was a bit spammy. so here's me. It was at a dinner event for the local university where ive been doing design stuff for. (brushed out the other people in the pic. idk how people would feel about pics of them randomly being posted soo....) 2nd edit *waits for "you look jewish" comment
  2. saw that on steam. i was liEk defuq looks awesome reminds me of undead nightmare. just hot campy it is
  3. DiO


    ebay gots some cool fallout stuff http://www.ebay.com/itm/Fallout-3-New-Vegas-inspired-Vault-Fiction-T-Shirt-/170983825331?pt=UK_Men_s_T_Shirts&var=&hash=item6d7c0fa292 thats why you dont explain it. If someone gets it, thats an awesome moment. I usually just wear band t's cause I love my music and the artwork is always fucking awesome. But I'd probably rock some fallout shit if I was gonna nerd out of video game clothing.
  4. Yup. The singer from that band is the new singer in Kamelot IDK how much even listened to Kamelot but they have a pretty die hard following Speaking of progressive metal. Check this band from Tunisia. They're like nile but prog/power instead of death. And their actually brown lol
  5. DiO

    DC Universe Online

    psh, thats just one of the DLC powers. theres like 6 others that are fine. buddy did you even play it? You get fuck all experience from killing random NCPs or players. there are some shit that is annoying when it comes to pay membership. cant be in a guild unless you pay. Cant have over 1500 game cash without paying. thats the worst. looked up a work around tho. Buy expensive items and put them in the item bank and sell them when ur ready to go buy more armour. you lose a bit of money and its more work, but its worth it to not pay and im level 11 now. only have 15 hours in it. You level up fast. and you dont really get much experience from random killing NCPs or other players. It's all about leveling up doing the story. Pretty much when ur done the story you should be level 30 or at least pretty high. after that theres collecting items, side missions. and just roaming. the map is pretty fuckin big. and PVPing with people ur own level is a blast. When its a fair fight its a lot of fun. they have a separate server for PvE only. thats vs environment. its the same, but NO player fights. I started there but decided I know ill get my ass kicked some times, but when i am i high level, PvP is gonna be fun as fuck. and you can get pretty much all the sick looking armours without paying any real money. They aren't expensive compared to the shittier armours. The 1500 max is about enough to get a full set of the good armour edit PvP can be annoying sometimes. High level people hang around areas they know newbies gotta do missions lol. Those missions are usually pretty short tho, and they lead up to a full more story orientated mission in a completely different cell where players cant bother you. If a high level is trying to prey on me i usually just exit the game lol
  6. Started playing this game on PC. Its free to play. Theres dumb shit you can buy, but as a free game theres a fuck load of content. Pretty harsh PVP environment. Hard to get to a high level. Get ur ass kicked by other players a lot. Be nice to have some backup lol Anyone play this on steam? https://www.dcuniverseonline.com/ searched for a topic. COuld have sworn ive seen it before too. Didnt find nothing but if its already been made, let me know
  7. Barlow is back in a new band. I thought he was done with the band thing. Maybe is just doesn't like being in Iced Earth lol https://www.facebook.com/AshesOfAres?fref=ts
  8. dam you better start readin faster or the show will pass ya I've read the entire series multiple times. Got the first three books about ten years ago. I reread them as a refresher after I found book 4 at my local library after moving east, and reread them again when book 5 came out. Now I'm rereading them again to follow along with the TV series. George R.R. Martin has been diligently working on book 6, there is a preview available on his website. If anything, the TV series will catch up to the books in no time, and then we'll have to wait for another 1,000-page book to be completed before they can produce another series. ... ...Yup, better get reading or the show will ruin the book for ya...
  9. IDK man I've seen my buddy play minecraft a few times. Didn't see what was so special about it The first ep aired. Surprised no one has posted yet. It was pretty good. I felt they should have started off with more epic battles or something. Just to start strong
  10. That sucks the big one about clivey Bin listening to an obscene about of Gojira since seeing them. I regret so much got getting a tour shirt. It was so fucking cool. They only had medium left and it probably wouldnt have fit me but I could have used it to patch a shirt or something. Godziltoid
  11. ahahaha Dup went viral. This calls for a celebration
  12. Yah Im not gonna complain too much. I did enjoy the ep. Im not butthurt about it to call it bad or poor cause I still found it pretty intense. edit after typing that out maybe I should feel like they should have done more with the ending. I guess I just didnt expect any more than I got
  13. DiO

    Metal Gear Solid 5

    that screencap is fucking awesome. I gotta play peacewalker now if the game takes place after it. hope I can borrow it from someone
  14. fuck my ass this game looks amazing
  15. you mod your guns and shit into any games?
  16. 11 hours. how the fuck remember this I posted recently \/ just found out its that chick doing ALL the vocals. Figured there was a dude doing the deathy stuff.
  17. DiO


    anyways, pretty vague details on what it is. MMO fps? Looks pretty sick tho