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Everything posted by DiO

  1. DiO

    1979 The Game

    smart phones and tablets..... *loses interest
  2. You forgot the part where it was all liek at the water and kerplooooooosh! YAAA DAWG That was a siiiiiiiiiiick kerploooooosh!
  3. I like how it was like booom pikew piikew and bad iron dude was liek woooooooooooooooooooosh fuck your couch then blew up the iron men liek baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam and the helicopters were all pewwwfffff with and blew up iron mans crib and ur liEk o shii he dead then he there at the end dragging his shii and ur liEk aww, he iight
  4. ahah that would be sick but yah that video ruled. Totally post-apocalypse song I would totally fuck those chicks. I wonder if those bodysuits have quick access pockets to the vagina and asshole Heres another ive bin listening too. Like how Opeth is to Death Metal, these guys are to power metal. Progressive. Got the funk at times. Fuckin awesome.
  5. that was pretty badass. A couple of band I found clicking through related videos off a Blind Guardian Video. Woudlnt be surprised if you guys heard of them
  6. If they carry the show on for awhile I hope he gets there eventually. Its starting to happen
  7. I suppose the lastest season isn't as funny so far best ep is with the pedo guy
  8. DiO


    Of course it is. Like me, Massy keeps slaves. Mine aren't drugged tho. When they're drugged they dont scream and cry enough for my liking
  9. DiO


    Kinda random but on the subject of drugs like that army commander story Dude had his death faked, the was dug up and was drugged for two years to be a slave http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4262 Heard of this story a few times
  10. is the ghost thing in the comics? I forget who but someone said rick goes nuts in the comics too
  11. DiO


    lul, british people are funniE Missed a lot. Didnt find a place to watch the event again...not live. but like, not fucking lagging cause its live. that did me well enough Woo, ps4 embedding not working....
  12. DiO


    another thing about the controller, the light on the back of it works like the play station move. I like the whole uploading video thing cause I video edit lots. Seems it will be even more of that. some more cool shit mentioned. Mine froze too much and I was missing shit. Big gaps. Gave up watching. Ill catch the full thing on youtube later
  13. that old 70's band was pretty cool. Top youtube comment, everyone's immediate though \/ Its like Black Sabbath, except they're black
  14. beat the game...so the ending...
  15. Devin and Gojira was fucking amazing. Really fucking amazing. Probably the best concert I've bin too
  16. uuughh fak. Im pretty sure its not needed for 100% but I wanted bragging rights lol. I missed the one so now im only gonna go for loot chests if I need money. Probably wont happen cause I have almost everything. On the very last mission. I know cause it tells me I cant stop the mission untill I beat it. its probably a long one
  17. Kay, I've been going after all the loot. Now im at one in on an island in the top right corner of the map, in this compound. Pretty sure its a mission where you go after Vaas. It appears to be in the building at the very back but I can't get it in. Is it one of those "cant get unless you get it during the mission" cause I see no fucking way in. Pretty much given up getting the loot now. If I can't get that one. No point in getting the rest.
  18. so you got a pic with your sister eh? cool story bro