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Everything posted by DiO

  1. I just voted, I didnt watch it, and I dont know who won. fuck yer poll lul edit I really dont know who won and I dont give a shit. I do know that the head coaches are brothers. thats kinda neat. Im sure they will make a sports movie about this. That movie will probably be slightly inspiring. And brothers will feud really hard regardless if they did in real life.......but in the end, they will make up and live happily ever after.
  2. lol. i love you. <3 a ) yah lets make them rush the game and release it unfinished and gltichy. good idea b ) No its not.
  3. Im in the same boat. Mine is that small. Gonna assume yours is SD as well. Fuck I need a new tv
  4. bah, why did they make it cartoony looking
  5. Been doing some Graphic work for a local Magazine/Newspaper. Two months in a row I made the graphic for the cover. I though I'd would go ahead and share them. So.....there \/
  6. after all that he dont even tell us what hand he faps with. Me, im left all the way. *grabs cock with left hand
  7. Just collecting look and relics lately. Not even done the main story, its just fun. Fuckin love the wing suit. I like collecting the shit in enemy territory. Break up the search with some fire rights. Luring enemies into mines or c4 traps is my new favorite thing.
  8. /\ pretty cool shit. So Im pretty stoked cause Im officially going to see Devin Townsend and Gojira. fuckin-a to that
  9. pretty sure I got that relic so I should be good to go
  10. DiO


    maybe 4 is a prequel. the stories of 3 and new vegas are pretty separate so it could work as a new story before 3
  11. DiO


    holy fuck my ass. that is awesome edit more on it http://ca.ign.com/articles/2013/01/09/fallout-4-teased-by-three-dog-voice-actor not really more, just goes over what is actual tweet is and the fact they could be talking about a movie. Movie would be cool but id rather have a new game
  12. yah man, what are you talking about? edit http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/632849-far-cry-3/64922227 3rd reply lists some
  13. My review: This game kicks ass.....
  14. driving through the jungle is fucking hard. cant see shit. especially on my shitty SD tv.
  15. it was sick. i was going to take over an outpost without being detected. a tiger ran in the outpost, killed the dog, and 4 of the 5 guards,I pecked off the last dude with my bow and the post was mine hahaa. got the undetected reward too lol. watched it all with my camera
  16. bought it cause I wanted it,
  17. http://www.rockstarw...0V%20Collection Not a huge deal but they got some merch up. Kinda cool to wear one when the game isnt even out ahaha. The one with just he 5 is pretty cool
  18. brother got me resistance 3. a grand from my grandpa. got a new ps3 and far cry 3 with that. bunch of new clothes. mp3 player. new leather hat that is pimp as fuck. some other stuff. fuckin awesome xmas