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Everything posted by DiO

  1. Does that even work? a NEW PS3 lol edit so far the bow is my favorite weapon. twas the first one I bought
  2. So I had Far Cry 3 and I has a PS3
  3. DiO


    Still at it. Fucked up the mojave outpost
  4. DiO

    Skate 3

    if any of you are looking to use some graphics. I made a bunch. check them out http://skatefluckit.com/showthread.php?t=13439&p=127999&viewfull=1#post127999
  5. I know you were joking, but I hope the sharks DO eat us up. That would be fucking awesome lol
  6. Saw these just posted on FB. Shark and a fucking sub. Dog in the passenger seat. Crazy shit. edit http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/47481/happy-holidays-enjoy.html Holiday gift sort of speak from R*
  7. My dad's g/f has a shit load of bags that she uses every year. Wraps a lot too but still its a good idea.
  8. I got stuff. The clever fuckers wrapped it in some sort of festive paper so I cant see what it is.....
  9. DiO


    I like'd that picture here and on facebook. Double liked mother fuckers. Im cool
  10. /\ DUDE, Use spoiler tags for fuck sake. I saw the episode but a few posts up Mercy said he hasn't seen it.
  11. DiO

    Metal Gear Solid 5

    My main point was not that I still have a working psp, is that I never really used it for games lol. I spend a lot of times traveling but I never played games. Found it too hard to see the screen with glare even on full brightness. And I also use that time to listen to my freshly pirated music that I haven't heard yet so I can really focus on the songs.
  12. DiO

    Metal Gear Solid 5

    Hmmm, I have no interest in a vita. Bought psp when if first came out....I still use it....for music. had an ipod but lost that so went back to the the fuckin psp. So annoying cause its big and shit
  13. DiO

    Metal Gear Solid 5

    Yah M$ threw their money around again for that one. Dont bother me none. What DOES bother me is exclusives that aren't first party titles. Even worse, timed exclusives. That just fucking bragging rights for fanboys. M$ does it so often too haah cocksuckers. Sony never does. But I guess that's why they lost pretty much all their "exclusives" *hopes for universal console platform
  14. <3 What about my love for super cheesy power metal. you could make fun of that. just pirated me up some of this
  15. when my hands are cold I but them in my buttocks. Its natures pocket.
  16. DiO

    Metal Gear Solid 5

    I have no fucking idea what any of you are talking about. My favorite was MGS3. And this looks fucking amazing.
  17. DiO

    WWE 13!

    because from what I have read, xbox 360 or ps3 emulators more or less don't exist. said they were gltichy as hell. Pretty sure a lot I looked at where just viruses.
  18. DiO

    WWE 13!

    Wwe? Minus two on respect. Edit: actually, there are a lot of people on this site that watch wwe. O.o or used too at least. common tho...attitude era was cool? *clings to past
  19. DiO


    Fuck being liked lul
  20. DiO

    WWE 13!

    Didn't bother getting the face too close. Its a pain in the ass. But its not bad.
  21. DiO

    WWE 13!

    I dont think so. Its 2011 and the ps2 version. I think it has a lot to do with my controller. The last SvR I played I could handle on "legend" difficulty. It was about challenging as this one is on "hard" difficulty. But I played the old ones on "hard" most of the time. Man that was a confusing lot of sentences. Has to do a lot with my controller tho. I remember reversing more back in 09 edit and yes, I made myself. hahaa you can see my name in the bottom marquee