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Everything posted by DiO

  1. DiO

    WWE 13!

    Well I got SvR 2011 through my being awesome. Arrr! Kind of sick of it already. I think someone mentioned it but the kind of fucked up the controls. you have to do an extra grapple before you can do one that has good impact. This wouldnt be a problem cause it actually flows nicely but the computer fucker reverses TOO MUCH. I have it on hard and they fuck reverse all grapples so half the match im doing shitty little striking untill the guy is beat up enough. They reverse striking well enough too. Another problem is I can reverse grapples fine, but I can barely reverse striking and the fucking computer barely grapples. Every match turns into a punching match. In the old ones they would reverse grapples just as much I'd say, but since you have to do that extra grapple before the main one, it double the amount shit gets reversed. Maybe its cause Im using a PC controller there is a lag for reversing, but many times I fucking swear I hit it at the right time and it didnt work. and playing on normal is too easy. Theres no balance. I usually do win on hard, but it's just irritating when they fucking reverse everything. In the real life fake fighting, there isnt THAT many reversals. Probably done with it. Didnt waste my money tho lol
  2. DiO


    I killed them pretty good on very hard on a fairly low level. Sneaking I set up mines. Got some shots off then they come running at me and the mines blow them up. Worked against some deathclaws too. Especially if a mine cripples one. A crippled deathclaw is easy as fuck to pick away at
  3. DiO


    ahha o yah im dumb. its almost 3...im tired. I gotta do one of those on my next play through
  4. DiO


    Only other way of getting in I can think of... IDK, It wasnt an issue for me. by the time I got there, like I said, I had a ton of caps from looting dead legionaries and selling their shit.
  5. DiO


    Yah my first play though I took forever to get to the strip. I had like 12 thousand caps the first time going in. Someone "warned" me about needing enough caps to get in. Lul
  6. Give the driver an HJ, free bus rides for a week BJ, a month
  7. So basically all you would have to do is dress like a super cool duder.
  8. DiO


    it also allows you to edit the existing map to. not just new separate ones.
  9. I did that cause someone actually did that haha. I used my student bus pass as a profile pic. Someone in my class photoshopped their face in it, and used that. It worked. They saved 200 bucks
  10. DiO

    WWE 13!

    Yah I watched Raw 1000 as well. It wasn't that great at all. They should have busted out all the stops. One thing I noticed about the older Raws, the top "superstars" wrestle way more than the modern ones these days.
  11. DiO


    Oh yah, pretty much. I think I sometimes see one in the mountains on the west side but past the quarry you dont have to worry too much.
  12. DiO


    I killed them all. They come back edit if your going to bother to kill them. Talk to this dude in sloan. There is a quest to kill the alpha male and female death claws. [if you havent already]
  13. DiO

    WWE 13!

    Yah I should check it out. Tried watching Raw the other day (current raw) and they were going on about some love scandal with Cena and a new tramp they have in there. Vicky Guerrero was scream "admit it" to the chick. After the 4th time she screamed the same fuckin thing I turned it off. And I was pirating too, so I wasnt even watching commercials and shit. Man that was fuckin lame. Too bad too, because the match before that was actually good with Some fuckin Ziggler guy and another dude Ive never heard of. edit PS getting SvR 2011 right now. Comes with a emulator that is already configured. I saw a post on how to get these emulators working. Gotta "configure" it. The post was a fucking novel so immediately I was like, yah fuck that. But the description for this one said it was already configured for the game so wish me luck
  14. DiO

    WWE 13!

    I might get back into TNA. I was for awhile and it was better. One thing that did turn me away from it is Kurt Angle was working some "I'm an MMA fighter" story and they had a fake MMA fight. In most wrestling matches they will throw some fake looking punches, in the fake MMA matcch, it was all fake punches. I dont know what the fuck they were thinking. Sometimes I think I could be a fuckin better match booker/writer for wrestling, seriously. edit I mean really, all TNA fans are older than the WWE audience, we know its fake. Don't try and compare it to REAL fighting directly. It was fucking stupid. [/endrant]
  15. DiO

    Skate 3

    yah its hard. I did better with fallout. If I got back at it I'd probably give it another shot. Didnt try too hard back in the day at that. For computer team tho, I made my brother. Fucking spot on. I wish I could show you all lol. I showed it to my oldest brother (not the one I made in the game), didnt tell him who it was supposed to be. I was like, Who does that look like? he answered, oh my god that looks exactly like Caleb.
  16. Devy is workin up his Retinal Circus. Cant wait to see that shit
  17. DiO

    WWE 13!

    I've been watching all the raw's from '97. Just before the attitude era started. Right now its the Bret Hart vs Stone Cold feud where Bret bashes America. Fucking awesome feud. Amazing dynamic of Bret being HATED in the US but loved every where else in the world. Beats the fuck out of anything WWE does today.
  18. DiO


    Oh, yah I meant the quarry documenting me taking out all the ncr posts. nice little self proclaimed side quest. gets lots of experience edit - new one. put them in tags so your wheel doesnt break
  19. They charge out the ass for unlimited with bell Canada or rogers even. My bro has 300gb for about 30 canadian with a different company which is pretty dam good. I dont pay the bill at all so I cant complain
  20. DiO


    There are a lot of places in the death claw camp you can jump up on where they can reach you. I did that, camped and sniped them all out. Took a long ass time but it worked hahah
  21. I think the fecal play is a pretty famous scene too haa