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Everything posted by DiO

  1. Dam, at least you murdered your mate. Deserved lol edit perhaps by that logic..I deserve to die? Well I am using spoiler tags...so many just severely beaten
  2. DiO


    ahah spiked knuckles are so perfect for crazy characters and yah, so ill do honest hearts and lonesome road. not gonna bother with the others for the legion guy. I am gonna go around and clear every ncr camp. that's gonna be fuckin hard. this mod too http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40324#content Gonna dun taEk over the airport
  3. aha yah that was fuckin nuts. Firm, dont click that spoiler.
  4. Firm where you at brah? I got more spoilers for you. Dont read, lul whew, what a season
  5. DiO


    I see. Well, as my nonindependent NCR dude, I stopped the bomb but was still freindly with Ulysses with the speech check. It rang true to the character. I find with a legion dude, bothering with those dlc quests wouldnt even happen. he would have the legion win, and move on with the legion, not giving a shit about his past. I will probably not bother with then in that case. Just keep the alternative path for an evil fuck. Im thinking let the bombs git, and kill Ulysses just for shits and gigs...if that's possible, idk. But I'll find out. edit Also, Im thinking of making my evil character a chick...but using one of those scar face mods. there's a good one that has the face an entire burn victim. It will be a good counter-character to all those fuckheads who ruin their game with the sexy chick mods.
  6. DiO


    The main quest is long enough to last 8 hours if you know exactly what you're doing and you're good at the game. So I turned it on very hard once too see what it was liEk and forgot, so for awhile its been like that. and yah, its bin hard a heck. but I can dig it. I had a mod shotgun that's kinda like the riot shotgun. not sure how the stats compare but it raped. Did the quests for the thorn. Never even saw that place in my first game. got the dinner bell shotgun from those thorn quests. It much like that mod shotgun that I mentioned earlier. Similar damage. Only difference is it holds 5 rounds, the other one holds 12 which makes it rape way more. Said fuck it, and im rolling with dinner bell. It's good enough to kick butt on very hard and its part of the original game. Fucking loving the hardess. Role playing a legion character, Im finding it hard to do side missions. I dont even know if I'll bother with the dlc quests with this character. It just doesn't seem to fit a legionairy. I'll do honest hearts cause it seems it would be a lot different. last time i fought the white legs, but now im a legionary, so I'll be on their side? and lonesome road. Ulysses being a legionary, I think that would be different too. The others...I wanna save for a truely evil character. So I can do evil shit with them. So, what you guys think...am I making sense here? I have to assume you all did the dlcs multiple times with different characters.
  7. lol, Portugal. anyway my speed is shit because Im hooked up wirelessly with a usp adapter. Didnt expect much. doesnt stop me from comfortably pirating almost everything I want. Only thing thats a bitch is my usage cap of 60gb. I've gone over that when I downloaded a couple new games, watched every sopranos episode and fapped a lot.
  8. this xbox getting shit first thing is really starting to get fucking annoying. No matter, I cant get these dlcs cause I never bought skyrim in the first place. Maybe ill tell my buddy to buy them so I can play it lol. I thought about getting my own copy of skyrim but I already played it SO much its not worth it to buy it, then the dlcs. Still loving fallout. and got civilization 5 the other day for 75% off. Only cost around 8 bucks
  9. Oh yah, he was awesome in Oz. That show kicked ass
  10. DiO

    Skate 3

    Oh, haha. Maybe he has it, idk. I think a few people come up like that if someone played the demo.
  11. DiO

    Skate 3

    IDK, I havent had a working ps3 in over a year. does bones have this game? lol
  12. DiO

    Skate 3

    when i get my ps3 back get gotta play this online man. its a great game to just kick back and play with buddies cause its not intense. only get intense when your trying to nail a specific trick
  13. DiO

    Skate 3

    yah just press home button, and go to your music. it will play. AI character always respawn moving. Not stationary. You will kick faster on a lower difficulty. On hardcore mode each kick gets you going slower. Takes more kicks to get up to top speed. They did this to a experienced player has more control of their speed. Holding the button to kick will make you go faster than a tap. To get even more speed out of a kick. flick up on the left joystick before each kick. It makes your player hunch over and he puts more balls into the kick. The game doesnt even tell you this but it works. best way to get start fast is just get off your board, run on foot then tap triangle to get on your board. U'll have the speed from running.
  14. Pretty much everything he said that was fixed from 2 is exactly what I had problems with. My only other problem he didnt talk about is too many fucking enemies. They come after you out of no where, you run into them everywhere. and when you clear a camp or whatever they're called, those dudes respawned within 5 minutes. too much. wonder if they balanced that a little more.
  15. True story. My buddy Tommy, named himself after the green ranger. He is Asian and his real name is Asian as fuck. Or I have to assume because after 4 years of bugging him to tell me his real name, he wont. But yah, back when he was a little kid like how they do a lot, they choose a white person name at school to fit in. So the other kids dont make fun or some shit. His parent let him pick whatever he wanted, he loved the green ranger from the TV show so he called himself Tommy.
  16. Man this new season has been amazing. Heres a new spoiler altert. DONT CLICK THE SPOILER TAG, I WILL RUIN A LARGE PART OF THE PLOT OF SEASON 5
  17. 'cause I never say anything important, or anything that matters.