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Everything posted by DiO

  1. Not exactly lol I just dont like villains being watered down from their original villain-ness I hate the govenor but I feel like I could hate him more. It will be nice to see him die edit but yah LETS GO RAPE, LETS GO! OHH! OHH!
  2. Yah thats so fucking weird how people just lose the ability to take a punch
  3. Pretty much what Cy said. Every time there is a champ I think they are unstoppable but then a new breed of fighter comes along and whoops their ass. I figured Liddell and Franlkin would have those belts a long time. I guess they did but I didnt see their losses coming at all haha. Now those guys have a hard time just getting another shot. Now it seems JSP, Jones and Silva are unbeatable. That idea seems even more solid than Liddell and Franklin ever did. Fuck knows whats gonna come next tho.
  4. hopefully the pc version will have even more indepth map creation with adding scripted events, dialogue and shit like people do with skyrim and fallout. this game is looking good
  5. DiO

    WWE 13!

    haha its always something retarded like that. havent downloaded one yet. I think my net usage is getting close to full. gotta wait
  6. if anyone knows me recently they know what im going to suggest Fallout 3 or New vegas. They aren't casual games but talk about bang for your buck. they are a bit older so you can find them cheaper. and you can easily sink over 100 hours into one character. But its good to just pick up, roam around and kill enemies and mosnters. Or do small quests. But you can also get really into it.
  7. DiO


    cause liEk...the obama poster...and its carsar. Caesar is a bit of a dick...so liEk, no hope lul get it/
  8. Why do you think the stories are going to be that separate? I think they are going to be more intertwined than that, and you wont be able to just focus on one at a time. They will force you to switch and play as each character. And all the stories will probably build up to a final mission where you have to use all 3 characters.
  9. I imagine a good break will be near the end of the season, then another cliff hanger
  10. DiO


    I now see them twice on this page haha, not the last one. that king and rex photo made me lul. Might have something to do with I edited my other post taking the pic out.(realized that doesnt help mods cause they see the original posts right? haha. Just delete them if u can) I dont know why but links were dead on my other comic i made. haha so heres another repost. but to be fair the links died so it wont take up space Bones, get this game for PC. I got a bunch of large quest mods that got a lot of downloads. Supposed to be good. It would be like more DLC. And an alternate start mod. Not sure how it works but I think im gonna do all those on my next character.
  11. Back in the day you needed 1000 posts to make it whatever you want. It had prestige. I liked it better that way
  12. DiO


    http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/48203/ Im using this enb
  13. DiO


    Oh yah, forgot bones is a mod too. haha
  14. DiO


    ha, that last one. king and rex gettin friendly. nothing like some good cyborg bestiality again raped by page change (*waits for massacre to say he sees more posts per page as a mod this actually turned out better than I thought. The quick photoshop jobs look real enough
  15. DiO


    Fuck all of you. its like you've all played this game many times over and over and didnt only beat it once like me. {next page}
  16. DiO


    No one else replying eh? w/e im having fun {dead links}
  17. I found it so strange that they havent had that car in the game since gta III. They could have easily slapped the name on one of those new sedans in gta IV. there were so many of them. anyone else wanna see this dude come back? lol
  18. DiO


    After I did all this I found out I did something to be unliked by the legion. So I reloaded. O well, still got some cool shots
  19. DiO


    Ok, im not gonna lie, this next strip is fucking epic
  20. DiO


    I agree. He really doesn't seem that evil. He is pretty cutthroat but has good intentions. And he is probably right. Starting a new society as democracy wouldnt get things done fast enough. Im surprised I never heard logic like this before in a movie or something. Took some screens throughout getting liked by the legion. For the sake of roleplay I waited untill I had the safehouse to get legion armour. Felt like officially joining
  21. DiO


    Yah true. I liked talking to Caesar and hearing his point of view. Said it was necessary to do what he is doing to move along the advancement of society. And that the NCR is corrupt. Something about NCR having the new world problems of savages but trying to solve it with old world answers. It was pretty convincing. Once again the fuckin writing in this game amazed me. I dont think Caesar is actually that evil. Karma system is a little off tho lol. Why the fuck would it be bad to kill house, even if it is for Caesar.