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Everything posted by DiO

  1. DiO


    can someone tell me what the fuck? you all told me house was super evil, ncr was more or less good, and legion was neutral. I kill house in the name of the legion, he says some shit about slavery for all mankind and I get negative karma. Legion is the real evil path? Im confused. I've bin playin neutral but its thats the case of legion being evil, im gonna start fucking shit up
  2. DiO


    that's all good. anyways, round 2 and yes i know, *you're
  3. DiO


    Really tho, look at it close up. The scratches and shit looks awesome
  4. DiO


    edit (also, they arent that far off from this shit http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Night-vision_goggles ) you can go on nexus on any given day and see shit like this in latest images. Im gonna download shit like this just to spite you http://newvegas.nexu...-1353002366.jpg http://newvegas.nexu...-1353109078.jpg http://newvegas.nexu...-1353145806.jpg *jerks off (just at that last image, obvi!) also, free'd the guy
  5. DiO


    maybe from the pics they seem like that but close up the textures are amazing. The armour looks even more beat up than the standard armour. im gonna be changing it out in my next character. Im going to swtich of drastic mods to keep the game feeling fresh so I really dont mind. and ruin is way too strong of a word. Maybe "feel slightly out of place" at most they really dont look any different than the talon merc armour from fo3 or the regular combat armour. hell, except for the helmet, that combat armour looks more advanced
  6. DiO


    Supposed to be the 50s.....then how do you explain power armour? or liberty prime? OR the chinese stealth armor? lul, fake.
  7. DiO


    just thought it was a cool set up so i took some pics edit also, arena battles
  8. DiO

    Skate 3

    as you probably know its not like tony hawk where you press buttons to do tricks. there was limited button combos for tricks so you picked moves. In this you move the joystick to do tricks. every skater has the same moves and stats. It's all about the skill of the player, not the skater you choose. Career mode is pretty cool. Skate 1 had the best career mode. S3 though has the most variety of tricks. and create a park never gets old. I can link you some awesome parks to download. dont bother going to the highest rated parks on the ea site. they are all unrealistic bullshit that were made when the game first came out. CAP has come so far and each park is a work of art the community is what keeps me coming back to this game. The community and making and sharing vids. My ps3 is busted to I've been doing community collabs. heres my last one. just watch a min or two. you get the idea http://skatefluckit....ead.php?t=12885
  9. He wont be in it. They said no characters from the past generation of GTA games will retrun. They also said they arent using celebrities anymore. They said the way you would recognize their voice and picture the actor, takes away from the character they are trying to create. probably that reason, and they dont want to shell out a crap load of money for fameous people. there will be gangs, but they wont have a big role. Your playing 3 different people and a lot of the focus is on bank jobs. probably repeating stuff but common, im not reading 6 pages
  10. DiO

    Skate 3

    lol its fucking amazing. Way better than tony hawk. It has a big learning curve but once you get good its a really fun game to just dick around in. Cruise around the city and skate. I miss it since I dont have a pc. a lot of times I feel like playing a game but not doing any serious action. Miss chilling and skating It a good game to play online to and just shoot the shit with friends while skating around
  11. DiO


    Well then dont complain about having to run lol
  12. DiO


    playing on hard? first time i played on normal and it was mostly easy enough unless it was a deathclaw. on hard now and i die a lot. next game, dare i try very hard? ill probably but it on very hard when i get to a high level hm,m, true. i guess im just a genius even when i try being random
  13. DiO


    good, fuck your scroll wheel. also, i have ideas for a continuation of that comic. spurr of the moment idea is going to be a series....well isnt that cool and yah i loved the sound words. near the end i was trying to think of the stupidest possible sounds words that no one has ever seen before. no idea where i got sclamp hahha
  14. DiO


    yah it's getting a good response at nexus too. I wonder what I could come up with if i actually put effort in to writing somehing. PS raped by new page. fukin hate when that happens
  15. DiO


    Threw this together almost literally. Just playing around and having fun. I pretty much just took the screens randomly then threw in text of the first thing that entered my head. its not really supposed to be funny....just stupid.
  16. DiO


    ahah yah especially with those ncr and legion redone mods I got.
  17. DiO


    What do you mean? good or bad? haha. Im going to assume good Well, I had high intelligence at the beginning so I get more points each level up. Took the perk that grants you more points at level up. and used the profile that raised every stat by 5 in the beginning but makes you level up 20 percent slower. So it added to my overall points in the long run. Found a good amount of skill books. The dlcs had even more skill books
  18. After all of that, losing your mind is a pretty believable thing to happen. Saw the actor that plays Maggie on Conan. The chick has a British accent in real life. Tripped me out.
  19. DiO


    Starting again with those mods I posted and the fallout classic weapons pack. adds 63 weapons. And Im loving hardcore mode. Changes how i manage items. keep more food and im going survival over medicine. Gonna join the legion and be neutral. Gonna be hard to be neutral. I havent done it yet. It was either good or evil. Anytime I do something nice I guess its easy enough to steal something. Went for a scarred up looking dude that barely gets by. Just started so fuck using those fancy armours you start with from the dlcs. Fuck the vault uniform too. Wanna look like a survivalist. Helping the powdergangers fuck with the NCR. So far in the quest all I did was take out other gangers for the leader and tell a bounty hunter to fuck off. Gonna give info on the NCR to the gangers now. I see it as not evil, but just not liking the NCR so the dude would probably join the legion. just got these http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/47974/ http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/47953/ loving all the new weapons lol
  20. DiO


    Done my first character. Might come back to him. Only quests I got on the go are collecting legion ears and star bottle caps. Might go back to it later. there's my final character build http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/45557 http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40139 /\ getting these two mods and starting my legion character. gonna play on hardcore mode. still normal difficulty at first to see how I manage. Then character after that, evil house guy and Ill get some kind of mod that really changes the game, and play on hard.
  21. It's a buggy. Yeah looks to me like a back end of a modern BF Injection. yawp. Its my favorite. Hope to see a better angle on it soon