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Everything posted by DiO

  1. DiO


    Still can't get all that back to the mojave. ps
  2. DiO


    Holorifle knifespear superheated cosmic knife bearfist assassin suit reinforced seirra madre armour and helmet Dean's Tux Vera's Dress (found 2, lol. Just kept one) Elijah's Robe (had one in that bunker too, kinda pissed me off but i guess it doesnt weigh a lot) 5 gold bars, And couldnt carry another bar so I think I had some weapon repair kits to fill up my capacity next play through Ill probably go home naked carrying a shit load of gold bars also traded in my casino chips for pre war money. So had about 4500 we bar bills which were worth a fucking lot too. Should have done an ass load of gambling. Realized that changing to pre war moned makes the chips worth 10 times as much and the money doesnt add weight. Not that it matters, I had 80 grand going into the DLC.
  3. DiO


    Done the DLC....I dont think I tricked anything....lol
  4. DiO


    aa yah modding is so sweet. I would have bin on trying to get the companion thing going again but I'm doing some volunteer design work to beef up my resume and its coming in. Once I get some of that done I'll hit it again. My rage of the last fuck up is gone and I really want to do some voice acting haha Ahh, fair enough.
  5. DiO


    I love how personally newbies take everything. He doesn't even realize that the whole "*doesn't watch" thing is a forum wide joke that has been going on for years.
  6. So, you fight another dragonborn?
  7. dont think they're going to release it out of no where. they would give at least a day to tell us when its going up to build hype
  8. DiO


    ...oh. lol *doesnt watch fake trailer
  9. haha ur mad angry. This just happened in Punxtr's FB status. Hes never around here so i thought i'd post it cause its SO right and the first comment is fucking brilliant haha
  10. DiO


    no idea what you mean by trick.
  11. /\ what he said This is true. I will vouch for him. /\ what he said I don't think gta....................................................................................y haven't had much trouble with that.. unless I was slamming on the brakes or going rediculously fast and trying to make quick movements. /\ again, what he said /\ what he said Wow im actually agreeing with new members. Holy shit. Same thing goes about the cars going faster than you think for the helicopters. Might seem slow but look at how fast you're actually moving by the radar. The streets on the map fly by quickly. Cant tell as much because you dont see anything whooshing past you when your in open air.
  12. DiO


    Well that fucking sucks ahaa. I had my shit there..... then the god dam game mislead me. I guess I'll grab all the unique shit before I head down in the vault. Maybe grab the strong back perk next time I level up haha
  13. DiO


    Stored near the casino entrance behind the front desk or in that trash can. whatev lol IDK, it said before I go to the casino, I might not return to the villa
  14. DiO


    Yah found the one in the station. I usually would go to the clinic to use the auto doc, fix my limbs, then just wait 24 hours for my implant health to regenerate. Im in the casino now. Actually did store a lot of shit in a can near the fountain. Took ALL of it, and was over-encumbered when I traveled to the casino but it didnt take long to walk to the gate and once inside, walk to somewhere to store it. So im pretty dam alright for supplies. I should be playing on Hardcore casue right now I am collecting stuff way more than I need to. O well, good practice for my next character that will be played on hardcore. yah I guess I can use mine better. Dont really revisit locations that much tho. Stealth is really coming in hard more in the casino than is was in the villa. IDK what it was I couldnt sneak for shit in the villa. Now in the casino it seems way easier.
  15. I think they just added a lot of new shit to the game in terms of immersion like some have said. And overall, "bold new direction" was just a good marketing soundbite that was vague enough to keep us all guessing.
  16. DiO

    WWE 13!

    Found a torrent for an old SvR game. '09 cant remember if thats is the one I hated. Gonna give it a shot. Runs on a ps3 emulator. So yah fuck buying a new one ahha. Its probably way better but whatever. edit yah its the one i hated haah. i can find one for 2011 hopefully. totally can get one for '07
  17. Yah...cause graphic wise GTA IV barely looked better than the gta 3 series....
  18. Seems like a good place to post this. Someone re-created the gta V trailer with SA. its really well done
  19. just a shitty image. In the art he is wearing black boots. but yah, I agree. gotta be him
  20. DiO


    Moar screens. Randoms and showing of the ENB C4 trap
  21. I think the antagonist shouldn't be so black and white. By that I mean the line between good and evil, not race. Almost sounded like I was saying I want the antagonist to be mexican lul After playing Fallout NV the stories in the game have choices so many times. And you are never sure what the right thing to do it. That's just good fucking writing.