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Everything posted by DiO

  1. I just love the luck. As in its shit. Nothing for a year and when they finally start giving us shit, bam...hurricane. Fuck you Sandy. Nevermind the 55 dead Americans, the GTA trailer being delayed is the worst thing that the hurricane has done.
  2. Naw GTA always had chicks for the artwork. Lola didnt even end up being in the game. Plus they both look to girly and fuckable. If there is a female lead, it has to be a butch lesbian type that is slightly ugly. The only way that shit would be believable. If a female lead does happen, I think most fans would be all right with it being a lead of a DLC. My prediction, no one right now has a fucking clue who the lead is and its going to be someone completely different than anyone has guessed so far.
  3. DiO


    http://newvegas.nexu...com/mods/48203/ its really popular right meow edit Also, the guy that made that awesome armour pack more or less asked to see a mod from me first before I have permission to use it. Which makes sense. He said he get a lot of people asking to use his stuff. And wants to sift out the newbs. So Ill make the one character I was thinking off just with vanilla stuff. Maybe I'll do a retexture of something myself. Shouldnt be hard.
  4. Well Im totally not pre-ordering. my ps3 is busted
  5. Kind of random but kind of related. I stumpled upon this. It laughed SO fucking hard.
  6. Yah. New player skins. new guns that will shoot slightly differently than the ones in the main game..whoop de fuck. So fuckin easy to crank out new multiplayer maps. I'd rather new storylines and characters. New full maps with NCPs.
  7. Sounds like you could just play AC3 instead of waiting for Rockstar to make one...
  8. I gave up modding gta too soon. I had a shit load of car mods and it gltiched the textures in my game. it was a mod pack and the dude that made it had a comp that is less powerful than mine. so it wasnt that it couldnt handle it. just a common glitch in the game with a lot of car mods. fucking pissed me off so I just stopped. but if i stuck to shit like that it would probably be fine...and fun.
  9. I said before I wouldnt be surprised if they leaked on purpose. or at least planned for it. GTA being in the november issue of game informer was announced then all the leaks started. ahem http://www.igta5.com/grand-theft-auto-v-retail-item-round-up
  10. DiO


    Pissing with ENBs before I have never been as happy as with the one I have now. Look really good.
  11. Might have been said but I hope it has more gore and dismembered limbs. So satisfying to blow limbs off in fallout.
  12. Jags, cougers. Whoops. What Im saying is what the fuck is a cougar gonna do when you blazing through the woods in a truck? Or even an ATV it wouldn't attack. They would more than likely just make the AI attack you when your on foot in the woods. and if you on foot in the woods, sorry about your dam luck. It sucked in SA lol. Had to run miles to find a car.
  13. ha yah i saw like 3 people do it. and why does that letter say we just released the 2nd trailer? i dont fuckin see it anywhere. is that why people think its coming tomorrow? It would make sense. Release a new trailer the weekend before pre-orders start. yes, fuckin awesome. That would be sick to have them with new songs on the radio at least
  14. IDK if R* would start with areas being only available with pre-orders. They never done that before. And shit like pre-order exclusives are never as big as an entire area. That would piss a lot of people off. I doubt they would be releasing info on any DLC already too. No one knows anything about the game as it is. Probably just exclusive screens and a goofy picture viewer. and FYI, posting "STAY ON TOPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!11!1?/!!!" is just fucking spam in itself. No back seat moderating. I know it might be shocking but the mods can handle the moderating.
  16. PSH, there wasn't too many animals in RDR. You can run away from them easy enough on a horse. The only ones that were super annoying where jaguar's cause they where fast enough to catch your horse and knock you off. That wont be a problem when your in a CAR. Besides, any wildlife that would attack you will only be in the countryside. You'll be fine roaming the city. I think it might happen that if your blazing through the woods in a truck or bike and hit a deer and wipe the fuck out. That would be so awesome lol.
  17. Thats a sick idea. Fallout New vegas has that
  18. DiO


    Yah it does. A couple times this happened and it was so fuckin rad. Dean killed one of the ghost people. Well, just knocked him unconscious. But I was already in vats and selected his head to throw a spear at. So while the ghost was flopping to the ground, my dude threw the spear and cut off his head before he hit the ground. SO badass
  19. DiO


    Ok gas bombs are actually not bad. You throw them a little farther than mines
  20. The way they had it in MGS4 would be fuckin sick.
  21. DiO


    They work like mines. Mines fucking suck. They always seem like a chore for me to use. I use them up when A crippled deathclaw is walking toward me all slow as fuck. just keep backing up and dropping them. still kinda a pain in the ass.
  22. Read more: http://www.montrealg...l#ixzz2ApXjPphh Sooooooooooo Mixed feelings. I mean, I did like the new trilogy. But now they're gonna have to replace the old characters of the original trilogy with new actors. IDK how I feel about that. They will still be entertaining as hell and I will watch them. But still...
  23. DiO


    Sticking to my melee for now. The knife spear works well enough of the ghost fucks. Skill is 100. Energy rile will come in handy. Still now much amao for it. Will save it in a tight spot. But yah, my energy weapons is 100 as well *jerks off to bones's future wife edit actually, why a gas tank? there has never been a gas tank in fallout. shes fucking dumb. *doesnt jerk off