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Everything posted by DiO

  1. DiO


    Started the whole Sierra Madre dlc. Fucking awesome so far. A lot of gameplay changes. I like how they stripped you of all your shit Dont find the ghost people too hard to kill cause im lvl 41 and have high melee stats. Pain in the ass tho when the kill blow doesnt take out their head.. Sit there slashing then when they are unconscious a few times till their head blows up. Dean said if I kill a lot of them, even more will come. Not sure if that's true. Everytime I kill one, it says how many out of 10 I killed in that district. Im game to just fuck them all up. Supplies are nice and low. Got the implant that my health heals over time. So when I can, I just wait 10 hours and my HP is full Every bed I have found it tells me "you cant wait in this location"
  2. I mainly want the PC version cause right now i dont have a working ps3.
  3. R* totally send that shit to the game stores knowing it was going to be leaked. They release ONE piece of artwork officially then all these pop up? haha
  4. It was pretty good. Seemed kinda rushed. And I didnt like how he got super powers out of no where. how was Prometheus disappointing? I liked it better than this
  5. DiO


    good to know. anyways, done the old world blues. it was sick. on to the next one edit Did a small fucking up nipton screens.
  6. that was nifty and Mr. Handsome. gonna have to give your play list a listen. I already approve of juular being on there
  7. So guidoes will die? fucking awesome
  8. *doesn't click spoiler tags. Ill check those out when the season is done or when he dies. And since you said "no but he does" I have to assume he has buttsex with the blonde chick that seems like she wants to stay there
  9. Well at the end of the season I guess someone will have to give me the rundown on how he was more fucked up in the comic. that would be pretty fucked up.......
  10. DiO

    Skate 3

    yah big air unrealism is too luck based for me and its always the same. go off ramp, then big air. street skating is so much more technical to do.
  11. DiO


    Ill probably go at it in a few days. lol I need to de-rage-ify
  12. DiO


    haha they sure do.
  13. DiO


    So working and working on this. When I re-opened the mod to work on it further, I didnt set any file to active. I was wonder why it was asking me to save it as a new .esp everytime. So it was in 4 esp files. i didnt know you had too set it active. Finally figured it out to set the mod ad the active file I tried fixing it many ways. Tired opening them all at the same time, which you are supposed to be able to do but GECK crashes a lot. Re-did a lot of scripting. Looked up ways to merge the esp files into one mod. Seemed to be working when I merged it. After more hours and hours, trying to re-script some of the dialogue and I need to find the script variable for the quest dialogue to hire the follower. Funny thing is I cant find it in the parameter 1 box like it doesn't exist meanwhile its the one that I currently have open. Last time I did this part it was there. FUCK I think after merging them it just gltiched. There are also 2 copies of my NCP I created in the object window that have the same ID's which shouldnt be possible. Basicially, instead of starting over I tried fixing what I had. Which just turned out to be a mistake cause its fucked and it made me waste even more time. I havent bin this angry in a LONG time. Giving up until further notice.
  14. DiO


    Good news. was doing one tutorial that seemed legit. idk how i fucked it up before, but I started over. and soo far im able to follow it pretty well
  15. So FUCK YOU for making this first haha. jk --- EDIT: And fuck Vicey for making that point before me in this topic. Thats what I said 2 minutes ago in the topic I made. K, not posting for awhile haha. As I said, its pretty sick. Nice to see something different. Kinda wish they released a different scene tho. Saw this in the trailer. So as it's cool, it shows nothing new. Bit of a tease.
  16. DiO


    Totally. Gotta figure out the factions and karma thing. is there even a follower for when you join the legion? so far every follower I have seems to be good or neutral. cant imagine any of them following a legion or evil/house guy. pretty sure i got all the followers
  17. DiO


    haha totally. I hope I can be good enough at it. lol
  18. DiO


    looking good Im gonna try and make my real voice lower to make it better. glad it doesnt sound like me already.
  19. DiO


    haha yah. I wanna figure out how to give each follower perks too. So they are as good as the stock ones. Totally give myself the whisky rose perk edit did a voice test. fucked with one. lowered the bitch and just talked weird. does it sound like a different person? and does it sound edited? I can probably do a better job changing my voice with the first recording and then lower it a bit less. just some fucking around. just want to at least get more than one character out with my own voice box. "ben.wav" is normal...if you didnt know lol http://www.sendspace.com/file/kvj58b
  20. DiO


    All ya need right here http://newvegas.nexu....com/mods/44476 Already asked the guy if I can use his stuff..like 5 mins ago. Im sure he will be fine with that. Now lets hope im not a dumb fuck and I can get this to work. the main reason I want to make these is cause its good to get a character across with lots of dialogue, but not worrying about scripting too much events and other ncps to get a quest going. Im gonna make maybe 2 with my voice in character. hopefully I dont suck a voice acting haha. Im pretty sure im good enough. Will probably lower my voice digitally just slightly to make it sound like a different character. Gonna save my natural voice for when I know what im doing better an can make a more complex quest and dialogue
  21. DiO


    Done honest hearts. I fucked up the white legs with Josh. Josh is a badass. Daniel is a pussy. I did feel bad tho cause it said Dan was all haunted by his failures and shit. Im sure if we ran like Danny boy wanted, Josh would have some sob story. Plus Dan was retreating the Sorrows, but not the Dead Horses. So it would have been Dead Horses vs White Legs. I imagine they would lose. Unless im wrong and Dan was retreating the Dead Horses too. IDK. And all those trading route for happy trails wouldnt have opened thats for sure. Will play that again and do the other route. Man Im gonna play this game a millions times over I bet. On to the next dlc. PS Im figureing out how to make a companion with the wheel, dialogue and a quest. Got started with one tutorial but it wasnt working. found another. if it works out im gonna voice that fucker to. I want to make a few if I get good at it. Will voice some myself with different characters in my brain. Could probably get at least 2 sounds like actual different people. But if I can get them out with not too much work and get real good, I'd ask you fuckers to do some voice acting for me. Would be sick to get a Bones and Massacre companion on the go. Not sure what you guys sound like but Im sure you're manly enough. Bones Judging by his beard, and Massy by his raping and pillaging. edit GTAGirl too. That would be sick to get a voiced female character. I bet the nexus mods community doesn't have a voiced female companion yet...or at least one that doesn't come with skimpy armour and a 13 year old girl doing the voice or samples from an anime show. edit QD and his nipples have to make an appearance too. Hahah. Fuck I hope I can figure it all out. I could be talking out my ass right now and give up on it all together.