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Everything posted by DiO

  1. DiO


    It could. Fucking love that mod. Just don't fuck it up. Edit: And here's the texture pack you'll want. http://newvegas.nexu....com/mods/43135 totally gonna get those. im saving any mods that add a shit load of new weapons or change the game play a lot to my next game. This one there is still a fuck load of weapons I've never tried in the original game. Maybe should have waited to install the mutant mod for my 2nd play as well. But what ever, Im getting these two mods for my 2nd play. that and more weapon mods. and play on hardcore. should make it feel like a new game. http://newvegas.nexu....com/mods/45557 http://newvegas.nexu....com/mods/40139 with those "special moods" turned on for the nevada skies mod, the silent hill mode actually suits the game pretty good. Might play my 3rd play through with that turned on the entire time and I'll sink points only in melee, and make my character a chick. and console change my height to player.setscale to something like 0.8. Silent Hill 3 when ur that pathetic small chick. makes the game scary'er
  2. DiO


    moar realistic. still the auto axe was badass
  3. DiO


    I still kill well enough to get by. I think the chainsaw would be pretty kickass. havent tried it. does the game have the auto axe from fallout 3's pitt dlc?
  4. DiO


    Saw the nails mod, didnt buy it. Then got myself a nice bat, got the cork and maple body for it. sent searching for nails. so far im pissed i can find some lol. you should be able to craft that shit from scrap metal.....or can you? or like, the nail amao from the nail gun still, Nuka Breaker <3
  5. DiO


    I love my Nuka Breaker lol
  6. DiO


    Not too familiar with Dave Foley but I recognize him thats for sure. So after protecting the president, Yes Man wants me to override the power at the el dorado power station or something. Im pretty sure that will make NCR pissed at me. Seems a little evil-ish too. Not sure what to do. I dont really remember what Yes Man said about what happens after, or why I am overriding the power station. PS got those mods. holy fuck the game is looking nice. Gonna download a HD texture pack next.
  7. DiO


    Not me. I got that power armour training. Shouldnt have joined the brotherhood...or the kings. Just in the respect of Role Playing. My dude looks nothing like either factions. But doing the whole independant yes man thing, im hoping the game will allow me to be diplomatic and peaceful. lol Told yes man to ignore the BoS. he was like, okay. they are the biggest threat, but ya lets ignore them.
  8. DiO


    Still a bitch to have to travel to the strip gate, and to thought the sections to get to the casino, go through the casino, then to the room.
  9. DiO


    Still cant beat the room in Novac. Its just so easy to get too. Fast travel, the walk up stairs.
  10. DiO


    Downloading Meow
  11. DiO


    got an enb going. looks really good. I want the nights darker and all the colours less saturated. not sure how to fuck with the settings
  12. the first episode was tits lotta zombie killing. hopefully this season isnt as slow as the last one. whats her face black chick that fucks shit up is pretty awesome. Why does she walk around with zombies on a chain? does it make other zombies think she is one cause the smell or something so they leave her alone? plus 50 bucks says black chick and blondie are gonna dyke it out.
  13. DiO


    It makes them hostile at me? So far my next quest is protecting the president. I figured, or at least hoping being independent would be good karma depending on what you choose to do. Might be a little more neutral, but Im not opposed to going neutral.
  14. DiO


    This just said if i keep dealing with Yes Man I will no longer be able to work with the NCR. Probably gonna keep it going that way then. Be all independent like
  15. I know. 1 and 2 are set during Christmas. Its just not the traditional Christmas movie
  16. http://watchseries.eu/season-5/sons_of_anarchy
  17. DiO


    Shit was an exaggeration but common, it was kind of ridiculous. I liked it a long time ago but watched it recently. Not as good as I remembered. Crazy eyes and Cyrus were awesome but Nick Cage was so cheesy in it with his fake accent. Had cheesy explosions and action too. I guess all 90s action movies did.
  18. DiO


    Yah I took that one too. In fallout 3 I hit the level cap but still had quests to do. I took that. Not a real penalty. OO it will take me 10% longer to hit the cap but overall have high stats. You have to make Cyrus the Virus look like this guy Shit movie, but that dude was still awesome.
  19. yah I bet the dude is going to be pissed at himself so much.
  20. It's getting close to jump time. if your reading this, you probably missed it lul http://www.redbullstratos.com/live/
  21. DiO


    Yah I noticed speech is used a lot more im NV
  22. DiO


    Man after hearing about Sanchez I totally wanna make a dirty mexican. My dude is Dirty looking like a raider but does all the right things and end things peacefully when he can. Bigger fellow with a lot of strength. Uses big energy guns. Is actually kinda smart. shit at survival and has no luck. Just to make him more like me like I said. Im gonna get me addicted to whiskey, Its actually a lot like me. Except I would have to make him have more charisma lol. Its mad low because you all told me it was useless. that was for fallout 3 tho. Did they make it more useful in new vegas? edit nvm whisky. I drink rum more. just downloaded this mod http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/38677
  23. If you pirate it now, you can dedicate that time in January to jerking off
  24. DiO


    Ha you get mad hardcore with role play eh? I have more in this game than before. Im totally gonna develop a drinking problem. found a better pose mod thing. its fun to dick around in. makes it kinda like gmod. not as intense but came with a lot of shit to choose from. its a barbie world.