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Everything posted by DiO

  1. DiO


    My luck is only 3 lol. I need a bit of a bonus. killing legion fucks and looting their shit is better money anyway usually. Good to change pace tho
  2. DiO


    hahaa Man that nightwear is dumb. It gives you plus luck....but the gambler suits and hats dont? the fuck?
  3. DiO


    A lot of the nexus people get really cool screens of their characters. I was always takin pics in SA back in the day. All the mods tho mostly make my dude stand like a fucking proud american. its so annoying. they were really playing barbie doll lol. I wish they wouldnt clutter up the dam mod community. So many skimpy fuckin armour mods when Im trying to look for something cool. Even worse when I was skyrim modding
  4. DiO


    Got a pose mod but dam, almost all of them are just for a female character and putting her in a slutty pose. found two that go together. its not supposed to be funny. just dicking around. I really wish all these modders wherent so fucking hell bent on getting jerk-off material from these RPG games.
  5. Especially when you think you've uninstalled it, but some of the files are still there. You walk through a dungeon you've been through a dozen times before, turn a corner expecting to face a giant frostbite spider and end up getting pwned by a winged goat/man/thing. hahah yah When I start a new character I uninstall a lot of my mods. Way too fuckin hard. There are still a few I dont like. Theres a mod called skyrim wars or something. Adds a lot of new enemies. For the most part it kicks ass. But it adds this 20 foot tall spriggan called "Nature's Doom" and its fucking unbeatable. It shoots some green ball thing that drains your HP like a poison. But it take like 50 HP per second. I use ultimate healing potions over and over but it keeps fucking draining. I usually just run from the fucking thing, and this is at level 81 with my crazy enchanted weapons.
  6. Sweet, someone else I can tempt with the spoiler tag. Just to warn you, if I use the spoiler tag, I am really posting a giant fucking spoiler in it, so dont click them. and fuck waiting till it airs in the UK next year. Just pirate the show.
  7. But then you make the game boring and to easy. Not when I download things like the deadly dragons mod and play on master level. I know whats the point of doing that then when it can be just as challenging without crazy weapons and no challenge mods. Well its like I can't help myself from making amazing weapons and feel like accomplishing something, then of course I need to mod shit to make it harder. General enemies are still a bit easier, but then I have a monster mod that adds more shit and some of them are really fucking hard. I got a pretty balanced game with mods going. Its funny, I have like at least 15 amour mods installed that I havent even bothered to craft or wear yet hahaa.
  8. Yah I've been complaining about the car sounds for years. Especially for cars like the Dukes, and the sounds for the choppers like the hellfury they all sounded like fucking electric cars or something. I dont know what the fuck they were thinking when they made those sounds.
  9. Haha no when Gaddafi was killed the dudes literally shanked his asshole with a knife. google it
  10. Yah I couldn't believe they had Clay knife Jax right in the asshole like that. I guess they were really inspired by the Gaddafi killing video. edit but dam, Ill take that advise for the walking dead. that show is starting soon amirite?
  11. I typed out a bunch of shit then accidentally deleted it. here the short version of the spoilers for season 5 so far FIRM, DONT CLICK
  12. yah I gotta agree and the balance of the weapons were better in the fallout games. the daedric shit is so much more powerful than steel shit. (without exploiting enchanting) but the unique weapons in fallout are more powerful, but the gap of power isnt as big. sure you can get by with steel shit but you dont want to when the other shit is so much better once I found the enchantment exploits I couldnt stop myself from using them. especially on weapon mods. most weapon mods I found were lore-friendly and had stats usually lower then daedric. but i really wanted to use them cause they looked kickass.
  13. fuck me sideways. i need to try that mod
  14. DiO


    like my metal cock? also, in this game you can sleep with children
  15. what wrong with TUF? I think the new season is pretty good.
  16. DiO


    Dam that is lame a game shouldnt even be allowed to have a campaign shorter than 8 hours
  17. basically promoting that we will see a good knock out lol Bonnar is a jobber now eh
  18. DiO


    Still not sure if I can not join a faction and just do my own takeover with yes man. Gonna try doing that. I might start being more evil with My dude. Just to get neutral. Cuase he isn't clean cut looking enough to be NCR. And I'd never join the army. Then again so far I've been doing the side missions to take the threat away from the other factions. Done getting rid of the cannibals at the white glove, and took out the corrupt omertas boss and cleared those factions with yes man. Gotta figure every faction has a quest like that. Going to do all those before I move on at all. Killed Mr. House. It was pretty epic.
  19. Well Griffin vs Bonnar willl always be the fight that made UFC, Silva beat Griffin like he will beat Bonnar. I always liked the bit of tae kwon do kick Bonnar threw in here and there. Would be so epic to see a Silva get KO'd with one of those but I would fucking LOL if it did happen. I have to say he got a shot.
  20. DiO


    Skimmed through replys Saw Canadian fuck and im glad I maybe made yall play it again. I played skyrim before fallout. I feel the game has more outcomes and thought put into it than skyrim did. Talking to Caesar's 2nd in commands I get the whole train the kids, make the able bodies slaves, kill the rest. Its more or less what actually happened in human history and the Apocalypse may call for the same regime. But slaves are necessary for an undeveloped society. I think a true apocalyptic society would be more like NRC and would develop more slowly than a legion but still seems more right. I guess I will rock a yes man deal and try and not join a faction. As a role play i would try and do the rite thing as myself but still be a bit of a mommas boy nice guy like my real world self I will do side missions to make my own opinions is the tribes Right now I hear Khans got fucked over pretty good. I saw them and bribed the NCR to let them leave bolder town. I hear they were once big in vegas but got ran out. If i can I feel like giving them more power. but still have to play pure evil for mr house.....more clean cut for ncr...and play some nutural shit for being in the legion. Now tho ill visit all factions and do the yes man thing edit I seriously think this is becoming me favorite game of all time.....
  21. DiO


    Is sticking with yes man a 4th route? but ya i figured house was the worst cunt of them all
  22. DiO


    Yah I seriously just stared at Benny for like 5 minutes thinking on what I wanna do. Even If I do side with Mr house, there is an opportunity to do that in that weather station without meeting him? ahh idk, so many options lol. and when do I kill him? I think I might kill house, ignore NCR and see if I can just stay a civilian. Start my own fucking army. I will call them #WHGSEO